- Student Records
Programme & Unit Catalogues

EE10240: Integrated design and materials

Follow this link for further information on academic years Academic Year: 2018/9
Further information on owning departmentsOwning Department/School: Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
Further information on credits Credits: 6      [equivalent to 12 CATS credits]
Further information on notional study hours Notional Study Hours: 120
Further information on unit levels Level: Certificate (FHEQ level 4)
Further information on teaching periods Period:
Semester 2
Further information on unit assessment Assessment Summary: CW 100%
Further information on unit assessment Assessment Detail:
  • Electrical Design Project (CW 50%)
  • Mechanical Design Project (CW 50%)
Further information on supplementary assessment Supplementary Assessment:
Like-for-like reassessment (where allowed by programme regulations)
Further information on requisites Requisites:
Further information on descriptions Description: Aims:

* To provide fundamental knowledge about materials, their structure and properties.
* To enable the student to become further acquainted with the principles of design, and the design process, in the context of integrated electro-mechanical engineering.
* To provide a holistic view of the process and decisions to be taken in real design problems.

Learning Outcomes:

* Describe and evaluate, in the context of a design task, the key mechanical properties of engineering materials such as strength, toughness, hardness, brittleness, ductility, fatigue and resilience.
* Describe and evaluate, in the context of a design task, the key electrical properties of materials, such as resistivity, conductivity, semi-conductivity, superconductivity, temperature coefficients and permittivity.
* Analyse a design problem related to the manufacturing of a new electro-mechanical device or functionality, and select a solution from a range of materials and/or components that will perform the desired function and can be manufactured.
* Use a CAD system to produce detailed drawings of components and assemblies.

Problem solving (F, A); design presentation skills (F, A); ICT (T, A); Analytical skills (T, A)

The unit will include taught content covering the most important characteristics of materials from the mechanical and electrical engineering perspective, such as, metals, alloys, ceramics, polymers, insulators, semiconductors and superconductors. The content will relate material properties to their, processing, manufacturability and integration into a sub-system.
The unit will cover design content, such as, design principles, requirement analysis, mechanical component design, electrical component design, and material treatments.
Further information on programme availabilityProgramme availability:

EE10240 is Compulsory on the following programmes:

Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
  • UEXX-AFB02 : BEng(Hons) Integrated Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (Year 1)
  • UEXX-AKB02 : BEng(Hons) Integrated Mechanical and Electrical Engineering with Year long work placement (Year 1)
  • UEXX-AFM02 : MEng(Hons) Integrated Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (Year 1)
  • UEXX-AKM02 : MEng(Hons) Integrated Mechanical and Electrical Engineering with Year long work placement (Year 1)
