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Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014

The results of REF 2014 confirmed our research excellence - 87% of our research was defined as world-leading or internationally excellent.


The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is the system for assessing the quality of research in UK Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).

REF highlights

The results of REF 2014 confirm the excellence of the research carried out at Bath.

32% of our submitted research activity has achieved the highest possible REF classification of 4*, defined as world-leading in terms of originality, significance and rigour. 87% was graded 4*/3*, defined as world-leading/internationally excellent.

Our overall grade point average (GPA) is 3.17. Based on these results, we are placed 12th in the research quality ranking of UK universities, excluding specialist institutions.

  • 91 members of staff who submitted to REF were early career researchers
  • 13 Doctoral Training Centres/Partnerships across all our discipline areas participated in REF
  • 57 impact case studies were submitted to REF2014 for assessment

Read more about the REF assessment process and grading system.

REF 2014 results

The results below show the percentage of research in each starred level, ranging from the highest rating of 4* to Unclassified (0*).

REF Unit of Assessment Departments involved FTE of Category A staff submitted 4* 3* 2* 1* 0* Percentage of research rated 4* or 3*
Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing & Pharmacy Psychology, Health, Biology & Biochemistry, Pharmacy & Pharmacology 54.2 51 40 8 1 0 91%
Biological Sciences Biological & Biochemistry 24.5 23 62 14 0 1 85%
Chemistry Chemistry 33.1 25 73 2 0 0 98%
Physics Physics 23 25 66 9 0 0 91%
Mathematical Sciences Mathematical Sciences 44.4 26 62 10 2 0 88%
Computer Science Computer Science, Psychology, Economics 24 11 71 17 1 0 82%
Aeronautical, Mechanical, Chemical & Manufacturing Engineering Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Architecture & Civil Engineering 61 19 70 11 0 0 89%
Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Metallurgy & Materials Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Physics, Mechanical Engineering 20.5 13 78 9 0 0 91%
Architecture, Built Environment & Planning Architecture & Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering 28.4 50 40 8 2 0 90%
Business & Management School of Management, Economics, Psychology 64.9 41 43 12 3 1 84%
Social Work & Social Policy Social & Policy Sciences, Education, Economics, Psychology, Health 35.6 46 34 18 1 1 80%
Sports & Exercise Sciences, Leisure & Tourism Health, Biology & Biochemistry 22 47 43 10 0 0 90%
Area Studies Politics, Languages & International Studies, Economics 26 23 45 23 8 1 68%