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2003 Annual Meeting program

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Ecological & Environmental Education Special Interest Group
AERA 2003 "Accountability for Educational Quality: Shared Responsibility"
April 21 to 25, 2003, Chicago, Illinois

Environmental Education: International Research and Integrating the Arts - New Member Poster Session
#22.066, April 21, Monday, 4:05 PM-5:35 PM
Hyatt, Riverside Center, Exhibition Hall

Dimensions of Environmental Education Research: Theories, Policies and Practices - Paper Discussion
#31.114, April 22, Tuesday, 12:25 PM-1:05 PM
Sheraton, Chicago Ballroom 7, Ballroom Level

Research in Environmental Education: Directions for the Future - Paper Session
#41.066, April 23, Wednesday, 8:15 AM-10:15 AM
Sheraton, Columbus A, Level 3

International Participation in Environmental Education: Theories, Power and Practice - Paper Session
#45.062, April 23, Wednesday, 12:25 PM-1:55 PM
Hyatt, Stetson Suite D, West Tower - Purple Level

Future Directions for research in Environmental and Ecological Education - Guest Speakers and Business Meeting
#52.034, April 23, Wednesday, 6:15 PM-8:15 PM
Sheraton, Mississippi, Level 2

Fieldtrip: Nature Museum in Lincoln Park. April 22, Tuesday pm. Guided tour and discussion of teacher support programs. Details to be confirmed.

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#22.066 SIG-EEE-5
Environmental Education: International Research and Integrating the Arts
- New Member Poster Session

Time and Place
April 21, Monday, 4:05 PM-5:35 PM
Hyatt, Riverside Center, Exhibition Hall

Chair · J. William Hug · Michigan State University
Discussant · Kim E Walker · George Washington University

Women and Sustainability in Latin America: A constructivist pedagogy
Julie Newman · University of New Hampshire
Jane Stapleton · University of New Hampshire

Environmental Education Policy Issues and Options for Vocational-Technical Educators in Uganda. A Case of Kyambogo University, Kampala, Uganda
Wilson Okaka · Kyambogo University

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#31.114 SIG-EEE-3
Dimensions of Environmental Education Research: Theories, Policies and Practices
- Round Table Paper Discussion

Time and Place
April 22, Tuesday, 12:25 PM-1:05 PM
Sheraton, Chicago Ballroom 7, Ballroom Level

Chair · J. William Hug · Michigan State University

Bruce Johnson · University of Arizona
Anneliese Muehler · State University of New York at Plattsburgh
Thomas Nelson · University of the Pacific
Joe Sheridan · York University

Sustainable Development in the Colorado Front Range: A Methods Course for Preservice Teachers
Michael Marlow · University of Colorado at Denver
Carole Basile · University of Colorado at Denver

Peculiar Marriages: Fast Food and Environmental Awareness
Dana Stuchul · Berea College
Madhu Prakash · Penn State University

Integrating modern theories of nonformal education and cognition into a comprehensive learning theory for environmental education
Michael Brody · Montana State University

A study on the barriers to integrating principles of sustainability into higher education
Julie Newman · University of New Hampshire

Air Quality: Comparative Conceptions and Attitudes Across the Continents
Edward Boyes · University of Liverpool
Martin Stanisstreet · University of Liverpool
George Myers · University of Liverpool
Keith Skamp · Southern Cross University
Stephen Yeung · S.K.H. Kei Hau Secondary School, Hong Kong

Learning about Sustainability: Perspectives from University Students
Leo Elshof · Brock University

Quality versus Quantity: Primary School Teachers' Environmental Literacy
Amy Cutter · Central Queensland University

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#41.066 SIG-EEE-1
Research in Environmental Education: Directions for the Future
- Paper Session

Time and Place
April 23, Wednesday, 8:15 AM-10:15 AM
Sheraton, Columbus A, Level 3

Chair · J. William Hug · Michigan State University
Henry St. Maurice
· University of Wisconsin
Michael Brody · Montana State University

Using the Delphi Method to Construct and Environmental Policy Implementation Plan at Dalhousie University
Tarah Wright · Dalhousie University

What's the Use of Research in Environmental Education?
Mark Rickinson National Foundation for Educational Research
Alan Reid · University of Bath

Phases of Professional Development for Novice Environmental Educators
John Haskin · Antioch New England

Case Study Methodology in Sustainability in Higher Education: Advancing a Critical Research Model
Kim Walker · George Washington University
Peter Corcoran · Florida Gulf Coast University
Arjen Wals · Wageningen University
William Scott· University of Bath
Steven Gough · University of Bath

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#45.062 SIG-EEE-2
International Participation in Environmental Education: Theories, Power and Practice
- Paper Session

Time and Place
April 23, Wednesday, 12:25 PM-1:55 PM
Hyatt, Stetson Suite D, West Tower - Purple Level

Chair · J. William Hug · Michigan State University

The Status of Environmental Education in Latin American Middle and Secondary Schools
Linda Jones · University of Florida of Florida
Rebecca Penwell · University of Florida
Meral Hakverdi · University of Florida
Courtney Johnson · University of Florida
Shannon Cline · University of Florida

Youth Participation in Environmental Actions: A Cycle of Motivation and Concern
Annelise Carleton-Hug · Michigan State University

How are conceptualisations of environmental education from development agencies being manipulated by power relations within the development field?
Kelly Teamey · King's College London

Disparities Between Theory and Practice: Unveiling the Rifts in Environmental Education
Amy Cutter · Central Queensland University
Kim Walker · George Washington University

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#52.034 SIG-EEE-4
Future Directions for Research in Environmental and Ecological Education
- Guest Speakers and Business Meeting

Time and Place
April 23, Wednesday, 6:15 PM-8:15 PM
Sheraton, Mississippi, Level 2

Chair · Kim E Walker · George Washington University

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