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Program chair's overview

2005 Ecological and Environmental Education SIG Program

Dear Ecological and Environmental Educators,

I am writing now to provide an update on this year’s AERA meeting in Montreal, April 11-15, and programming activities of the Ecological and Environmental SIG. Montreal is a great city and we are working closely with our Francophone colleagues there to develop an interesting and exciting agenda.

The AERA program has not been finalized yet but I’d like to highlight some initiatives for this year.

First, we are responding to a suggestion that SIG members consider staying in the same hotel. With the help of Lucie Sauvé we have identified the Hotel Lord Berri. It has offered us a good rate, is located roughly mid-distance from the conference venue, and is within easy walking range. It is also across the street from Lucie’s University. The Hotel Lord Berri is not one of the conference hotels so if you wish to participate you will need to make arrangements directly with the hotel. See booking information below.

Second, Lucie and her colleagues are planning to host a seminar on “Key Issues in Environmental Education Research” on Friday afternoon, April 15th, at the Université du Québec à Montréal. We are invited to consider the “socio-political context” of our research and “researchers as social actors” from 1:30 – 6:00. This will be followed by a convivial «appéritif» at her University and one last dinner in Montreal. Please consider staying on for this seminar; the discussion will be lively and our hosts gracious. Further details are attached.

Third, we are planning an afternoon field trip to an ecologically interesting location in Montreal and a SIG dinner. These events have become traditional with our SIG, providing great outings and a chance for valuable networking. Details will be provided as soon as the final AERA program is finalized.

Finally, I have attached a preliminary draft of our program. There will be some changes but this will give you a flavour for our part of the conference.

I am excited about this year’s meeting, our emerging agenda, and seeing you there.

Best wishes to you all for a happy and prosperous 2005.

Bob Jickling


Hotel Lord Berri Booking Information
Indicate that you wish to book with the AERA-UQAM group. They have agreed to give us the UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal) room rate (the same for single or double) which is 87$ plus tax. We have, for now, reserved 15 rooms and we can reserve more. Each participant should make his/her own reservation (before March 15th by phone, fax or Internet:

Phone: (514) 845-9236 (For Canada: 1-888-363-0363). Fax: (514) 849-9855. E-mail:

Please let me know if you choose this hotel option so that I can monitor the need for additional room bookings.

Bob Jickling
EEE SIG Program Chair

Faculty of Education
Lakehead University
955 Oliver Road
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
P7B 5E1

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