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Program chair's report


Arjen Wals



Walking the walk - putting the SIG into significant life experience

New traditions have to start somewhere, so although it was only about the third time that we've had an excursion during the AERA meeting, there was a feeling that the trip to Puget Sound Environmental Learning Center was a key part of the SIG's programme. Thanks to Peter, a large group of us took the ferry to Bainbridge Island where we were picked up by colleagues from the PSELC. The sun shone, the mountains towered in the distance and the water reflected the deep blue of the tranquil sky (this sentence inserted for the benefit of Canadian readers).

PSELC is, to quote from its website ( 'a sustainably designed campus amidst 255 spectacular acres of second-growth forest and wetlands that welcomes students of all ages for immersion in ecologically-based experiential education programs'.

The visit was a great success and the SIG is grateful to everyone at PSELC and to Peter in particular for his help in making it all happen.

Justin Dillon

Photo competition:

#1. What time is it?

#2. Which of these people is having a significant life experience? How can you tell?

#3. Ecological and environmental educators in their natural habit. True/false?

Ed.- Answers on an email to Justin Dillon, our intrepid photographer.

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