SPORTS QUIZ - Win £250!

All proceeds in aid of homeless people in Bath
Football on pitch

Which second division team won the 1976 FA Cup Final?

Which former English Test Cricketer was nicknamed 'Arkle'?


Answer more questions like these to stand a chance of winning any one of four cash prizes.

The quiz will run from 2 April to 4 May 2001 and will take the form of 100 questions in one paper covering all the main sports. You can enter as a team or individually, whichever suits you.

The entry fee is only £10 but lower fees can be paid by those whose pocket money is too low or whose student loan is too high!


See the 'SportsMasters' Trivia Challenge for more details
. You can download and fill in an entry form or pick one up from:

  • Reception Desk at the Sports Training Village, University of Bath
  • Tennis Office at the Sports Training Village, University of Bath
  • Reception Desk at the Sports Hall, University of Bath

Or contact Chris Matthews (tel 01225 826339 or e-mail and ask for one to be sent/e-mailed to you.

So, what would you do with £250? You have to be in it to win it.

This page has been created by the Web Team at the University of Bath.
Last update: 15/03/01.

University of Bath