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Using timesheets to request your pay

How to claim payment for work as an hourly-paid worker or variable-hours teaching fellow, or if you've worked over your contracted hours.


Timesheets are used for claiming payment for work by:

After a timesheet has been submitted, it will need authorisation within the department, before payment can be made via Payroll.

Before submitting timesheets

All workers must have had their right to work verified and to have returned and signed their contract.

If claiming overtime or accruing Time off in Lieu, staff need approval from their manager before working more than their contractual hours.

Visa working restrictions

Visa compliance takes precedence over any work commitments.

Do not offer, or undertake, any work that could compromise the conditions of a visa.

Visa holders must ensure their manager is aware of any working restrictions.

Managers and visa holders have a shared responsibility for ensuring compliance.

Human Resources monitors compliance and breach of any visa conditions will result in further action.

Student / Tier 4 Visa

Limited to a total of 20 hours of work per week outside of "vacation time" (paragraph 31 of the guidance)

Please note that for Pre-Sessional students with a Student / Tier 4 Visa the limit is a maximum of 10 hours per week.

"Vacation time" will depend on your student status:

  • Undergraduates "vacation time" is the non-semester periods of the University calendar.
  • Postgraduates (Taught) - until the end of Semester 2 "vacation time" is the same as for Undergraduates. After this date there is no "vacation time".
  • Postgraduates (Research) - "vacation time" is 25 days over the year (plus Bank Holidays and University Closure days). Vacation must be agreed with the Supervisor. During "vacation time", individuals can work up to full-time hours (36.5 per week in the University) each week, though you are encouraged to use your vacation, as part of a positive work-life balance.

Skilled Worker Route and Tier 5

There are restrictions on the 'level' of work (paragraph 39.52)

Guidance for individuals submitting timesheets

Work must be completed before submitting a claim, with payment being made a month in arrears.

When submitting a timesheet, please ensure that:

  • a separate timesheet is submitted for the hours worked against each position.
  • at least a 30 minute unpaid break is taken after 5 hours of continuous working.
  • you allow enough time before the deadline, for the timesheet to be authorised and sent to Payroll
  • claims are submitted on a regular basis to minimise the risk of exceeding the national insurance and pension thresholds.
  • that notes/description of the work done, as required by the Department, are included on the timesheet.

By submitting a timesheet for payment you are stating that:

  • the date and timing of the work is as specified on the timesheet
  • you have worked the hours claimed
  • you have not claimed for this work or these hours on any other timesheet
  • the work has been completed within the terms of your visa (where relevant)

It is important these statements are true. If you are not sure, please contact the relevant manager before submitting the timesheet.

False declarations may lead to disciplinary action, which may result in dismissal from the University.

Guidance for timesheet authorisers

Who can authorise timesheets

Timesheets can only be authorised by staff who are on the official signatory list held in Payroll.

The Head of Department determines who should be on the official signatory list.

Authorisation of timesheets

Timesheets can only be authorised after the claimed hours have been worked.

By authorising the timesheet you are confirming that:

  • you are satisfied the claim is genuine and the work has been done satisfactorily.
  • the hours have been recorded and added up correctly.
  • the employee has not claimed for the same periods of time on other timesheets.
  • the work is compliant with the terms of the visa (where applicable).
  • payment can be made
  • the costs are to be charged to your departmental budget.

For claims that are more than 6 months old, the Head of Department must provide a written justification for the delay.

If you are not sure, please contact Payroll before authorising the timesheet.