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Coursework extensions

Information on coursework extensions.

If you find that your circumstances are such that you are struggling to complete your coursework assessment on time, you can apply for an extension to your submission deadline.

Whatever the reason, if you are struggling with your assessment please talk to your Personal Tutor, Student Experience Officer or Director of Studies as soon as you can. Your discussion could be used as supporting evidence if you request a coursework extension, and could help you identify alternative options to requesting an extension.

Granting your request for a coursework extension

Information is available on what the University considers acceptable reasons and evidence for requesting an extension.

How to apply for a coursework extension

You should use the relevant Department/Faculty/School procedure. Please speak to the Unit Convenor in the first instance if you are unsure what to do.

Some coursework has a scheduled time rather than a submission deadline because it is event-based (for example, an in-class test or a presentation). If you think you'll have difficulty making your attempt at the normal time, you should speak to the unit convenor or Director of Studies, before the time of your scheduled assessment, about your options which might include rescheduling the attempt.

It will be important for you to consider how changed deadlines might affect your ability to work to other deadlines and the timing of University decisions about your academic outcomes and progress. Your Personal Tutor or Director of Studies can discuss these points with you.

If you are not given an extension

There may be reasons why it's not appropriate to grant an extension. This could be:

  • because of the format of the assessment you are taking

  • the learning outcomes it is testing

  • in fairness to the rest of your cohort

Although extensions are not guaranteed and there may be reasons why an extension is not appropriate, most extension requests are granted, especially if they are for a short period of time (i.e. a few days). If your reasons are in line with what is normally accepted, and you have some evidence that confirms your circumstances, then it is likely you will get the time you need.

If you don’t get the extension you requested then you should still submit your assessment as close to the deadline as you can.

It’s important that you are aware that:

  • If you have not been granted an extension, the normal deadline will apply.

  • If you do not submit your coursework by your deadline - either the original deadline or the extended deadline - there will be penalties. The penalties for missing your coursework deadline are as follows (as set out in Quality Assurance Code of Practice statement, Assessment, Marking and Feedback):

    • Coursework submitted after the deadline without prior approval will normally receive a maximum mark of 40% or the relevant pass mark
    • Coursework that is handed in after five working days, without prior approval, will normally receive a mark of zero.

Although getting things in on time is important, please do not be tempted to use services such as ‘essay mills’ to help you complete your work on time. If you are caught using these prohibited services the potential penalties for committing an assessment offence far outweigh penalties for submitting late. More information is available on Academic Integrity.

If you need more time

Please talk to the unit convenor and your Director of Studies as soon as possible if you think you will need more time to complete your assessment. It may be that an extension is not the best option for your circumstances.

Individual Mitigating Circumstances (IMCs)

You can still submit an IMC claim whether or not you've been granted an extension or submitted your assessment.