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Electronic Payslips and P60s

Electronic versions of your monthly Payslip and P60 are available to view via Employee Self Service (ESS).

Online payslips and P60's

The University's Employee Self-Service (ESS) system enables employees to view and download payslips online.

Online payslips have been adopted by many other organisations in the UK, and internationally, and are considered to have a number of benefits:

  • Staff can access both current and historic payslips 24 hours a day, seven days a week

  • Payslips will be available sooner, two days in advance of pay date.

  • Copies of payslips can be accessed without having to consult the payroll team

  • Secure online access. Payslips can be accessed remotely, anywhere in the world

  • Environmentally friendly. As we don't need paper there will be less waste.


An online version of this form is now available. To view your P60 simply log in to Employee Self Service and select the more quick links tab. P60 is under the Payroll tab.

You may download and/or print your online P60 at any time and as often as you wish.


If you have any questions, please contact us.