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Bath and North East Somerset Swindon and Wiltshire Research Hub

We support all aspects of applied health research within the University of Bath and local primary and community care.

Research Support

We support all aspects of applied health research involving primary and community care, from help with preparing research proposals and obtaining relevant approvals, to advising on involving the public in research.

Research support

Find out about how we can support and facilitate research within the University of Bath, and local primary and community health and social care organisations.

Research governance

Research Governance applies to organisations and individuals that have responsibilities for health and social care research.

Research approval and regulation

Before a research study can start in the NHS and Health and Social Care (HSC); it must be approved by the relevant bodies and health regulatory organisations.

Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in Research

Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) means research being carried out ‘with’ or ‘by’ patients and members of the public rather than ‘to’, ‘about’ or ‘for’ them. We promote and support PPI through our Participate Network.

Participate Network

Lots of raised hands.

People with experience of a health condition, service users and the public can help improve health and social care research by joining our Participate Network.

Join the Participate Network

People with experience of a health condition, health service users and members of the public can improve health research by joining our Participate Network.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in health and social care research: an overview for researchers

Understand the importance of EDI in health and social care research and learn more about pronouns, protected characteristics and key terms.

Glossary of terms

Discover key term and definitions relating to EDI and familiarise yourself with them.

Protected Characteristics

There are nine protected characteristics identified in the Equality Act 2010, this guidance describes each characteristic.

Inclusive language

This guide will help you learn more about inclusive language, with a focus on pronouns and their use.

EDI Toolkit for researchers

This toolkit is a set of practical resources, designed to help researchers, so they can better support EDI in all aspects of health and social care research.

Spotlight on BSW health and social care research initiatives and studies

Here, BSW Research Hub puts a spotlight on health and social care research initiatives that support diversity in research and promote research in primary and community care; and studies that have improved the lives of patients.


Our latest news and updates.


Our team members and what they do.

BSW Research Hub Manager

BSW Research Hub Manager oversees research within the Department for Health and research active primary and community care partner organisations.

Research Governance Facilitator

Supports research governance activities for the Department for Health, BSW Integrated Care Board and primary and community care partners.

About us

We are a partnership between B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board, the Department for Health within the University of Bath (where the Hub is located) and local community healthcare providers Wiltshire Health and Care and HCRG Care Group.

We also have active links with research staff at local charitable organisations including Designability, ReMind UK, Dorothy House Hospice, Prospect Hospice and Baby Check Bath CIC.

1 West University of Bath Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY United Kingdom

Contact BSW Research Hub

Contact us to find out more or to ask any questions.