Department for Health

Research in Health Practice FAQs

About the programme

How many hours a week should I allocate for study?

The Director of Studies recommends that you spend on average 8-10 hours per week studying.

How long does each unit take to complete?

Each unit takes either three months (six credit unit) or six months (12 credit unit) to complete.

How long do you recommend the programme should take?

Students are given one year to complete the certificate, two years for the Diploma and three years to complete the MSc.

What level are units studied at?

All units are studied at ‘M’ (Masters) level.

What is the type of assessment required to pass each unit?

Normally, there are assessments during or at the end of each unit which may take the form of essays, portfolios, case studies, short oral presentations or a poster presentation. The MSc requires successful completion of a dissertation.

What is the difference between the Certificate, Diploma and the MSc?

All students follow the same path on the certificate, diploma, and on successful completion of the Diploma can progress to the MSc phase. This phase consists of a ‘Research in Practice’ unit and a dissertation component. Support is given via the online environment and through an individual Dissertation Supervisor.

Will I automatically have a Viva for my MSc?

MSc students will not have a Viva Voce. The dissertation is marked by two separate markers one of them usually being your supervisor. The marks then get ratified at an exam board, depending on when you submit your dissertation.

What letters do I get after my name when I am qualified?

Those completing the Certificate will be able to use PGCert after their name, those with the Diploma qualification will be able to use PGDip, whilst those completing the Masters will be able to use MSc.

Admissions criteria and the application process

How do I apply to join the programme?

Applications are made online.

Is it possible to complete the programme from outside the UK?

For all students, there will be one Summer School per year, which is face to face and held at the University of Bath. The Summer Schools will be the only face to face component of the course until the MSc phase. Therefore the maximum attendance commitment in any year will be one face to face event. This event normally takes place over five days. The next event will be held from 10th to 14th September 2012 and will include an induction to the programme for new students.

The rest of the learning will be through the Virtual Learning Environment and individual support/correspondence. If you are an overseas student and happen to be in the UK at any one time, you might find it helpful to get in touch with your PDA.

Are the Summer Schools residential or can they be attended on a daily basis?

The Summer Schools will be face to face, but do not need to be residential. If it is easy for you to attend on a daily basis then that is perfectly fine. There will be one event in a year.

How convenient is it to attend the Summer Schools?

The city of Bath is well located for access from the M4, M5 and in proximity to London Heathrow for international guests/speakers.

See details for how to get to the University of Bath.

Is it possible to have further details about the content of each year of study?

Further details are also available in the Programme Specification which is available from the Postgraduate Officer.


Can I pay for tuition fees by credit card?

Yes, payments can be made by credit card and students will be instructed how to do so once they have accepted a place on the programme.

Do you offer concessionary fees for members of staff at the University of Bath?

Fee concessions are available for staff on postgraduate programmes where the chosen course of study is available on a modular or part-time basis, and is therefore applicable to the MSc. Further details are available from the Director of Studies or the Graduate Office.

If I wish to begin in September 2012, when is the application deadline?

Applications can be submitted at any time but an early application is recommended. The deadline for applications is 30 June for overseas applicants and 31 July for Home/EU applicants. If you would like to enquire whether a late application would be accepted please contact us at

Applications are made online and applicants are welcome to contact the team with informal inquiries.

How much of the research proposal is required at the application stage?

There is no need to provide a comprehensive research proposal at the application stage - the team will be providing participants with support to develop ideas and areas of interest once they have commenced the course. We also expect that individual's ideas will change as each participant proceeds through the first year and encounters different types of research approaches and designs.

Where is the Personal Development Advisor based?

Currently, the Personal Development Advisors are based at the University of Bath.