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Fire evacuation

The arrangements for evacuating our buildings safely in event of an emergency.


Safety, Health and Employee Wellbeing Services
Approval date
20 Dec 2016
Approved by
University Health and Safety Committee
Date of last review
13 Dec 2022
Date of next review
31 Dec 2025


In the event of a fire, it is a legal requirement under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 to ensure the safe evacuation of all relevant persons who may be on your premises or in an area under your control. ‘Relevant persons’ can include staff, contractors, disabled persons and members of the public.


Head of SHEW

  • Fire risk assessments will be carried out for all University owned, occupied or managed premises

  • Fire risk assessments shall identify all safe evacuation routes from all buildings

  • The significant findings of fire risk assessments will be reported to relevant duty holders for action

  • Required actions will be monitored to ensure that they are being implemented with significant findings reported to University Health and Safety Committee

  • An appropriate evacuation strategy is developed for use across the University

  • Fire Drills for all buildings will take place at least annually

Campus Infrastructure

  • Measures implemented at the University for safe evacuation including designated fire exit routes, fire safety signage, fire doors, fire alarm systems, emergency lighting systems and assembly points shall be adequately maintained

  • Evacuation chairs will be made available in all buildings where there is a need (identified by Fire Risk Assessment), they will be sited in selected locations as determined by consultation with the University’s Fire Safety Adviser for ready access by Security Officers

  • An appropriate number of refuge points will be provided in all University owned or managed property where these are identified as being required in the fire risk assessment. These will be afforded a minimum fire protection of at least 30 minutes. Such refuges will be indicated by signage and will be equipped with an Emergency Voice Communication System

Heads of Department and Line Managers

  • The significant findings of Fire Risk Assessments relating to evacuation routes will be actioned in order to reduce such risks to a tolerable level

  • The evacuation procedures are implemented across all buildings to provide a single system which everyone can follow regardless of where they are

  • All new employees will undertake the University’s fire safety training as soon as reasonably practicable after starting work at the University (and in any case within three months)

  • All people (including new employees, students, visitors and contractors) receive a departmental induction which includes information on local fire safety arrangements


  • Those who are able to evacuate themselves should do so and make their way out of the building using the nearest available exit

  • Anyone who feels that they would be unable to vacate any building without assistance should ensure that they inform their line manager, supervisor or other suitably responsible person so that a PEEP (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan) can be prepared on their behalf. Once complete, the PEEP should be retained by the individual’s line manager or supervisor with copies sent to SHEW, Security and the individual concerned


  • Any student living in University managed accommodation who feels that they would be unable to vacate their residence without assistance should ensure that they inform their Accommodation Manager. The Accommodation manager will then need to make sure that a PEEP (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan) is prepared for the student. Students have a responsibility to cooperate with their accommodation manager to enable the PEEP to be carried out. Once complete, the PEEP should be retained by the individual’s accommodation manager with copies sent to SHEW, Security and the individual concerned.

Fire evacuation standard

The University's fire safety evacuation arrangements, including monitoring arrangements, are described in more detail in the fire evacuation safety standard.


If you have any questions, please contact us.