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Venturers Vs Bradford 39, Thursday July 18th

Bradford 39 127-5, Venturers 89-5

Bradford 39 share a ground with Canal Taverners and they did exactly the same thing to us, eight days later. The only real difference was that this match was at Sulis. We still fielded first and bowled badly. The critical over was the sixth, from Aby, which cost nineteen: he was hurriedly replaced by Gregory, who was only slightly better. Chris H and Anand kept us from complete disaster: if we had all, or even one one more of us, bowled as well as they did, there would have been no problem. Tom started with a double wicket maiden but neither he nor Rob Branston, who also started well, could keep control.

When we batted the innings revolved around Sanket, who outscored a surprising scratchy John early on, largely on the strength of a five. John was out for 10 in the eleventh over, at which point Sanket had 23: thereafter a succession of partners joined Sanket, made half a dozen and then got out, while he continued at exactly the same pace and, like Rohit the week before, was still there at the end. We never looked remotely like getting the runs.

Scorecard <table id="scorecardframe"> <tr> <td> <table id="scorecard"><tr> <td>John C</td> <td> 10 </td> </tr><tr class="alt"> <td>Sanket</td> <td> 47 </td> </tr><tr> <td>Rasesh</td> <td> 5 (1 ct) </td> </tr><tr class="alt"> <td>Kevin</td> <td> 0 </td> </tr><tr> <td>Chris H</td> <td> 6 </td> </tr><tr class="alt"> <td>Tom R</td> <td> 5 </td> </tr><tr> <td>Rob B</td> <td> 4 </td> </tr><tr class="alt"> <td>Aby</td> <td> d.n.b. </td> </tr><tr> <td>Anand</td> <td> d.n.b. </td> </tr><tr class="alt"> <td>Simon</td> <td> d.n.b. </td> </tr><tr> <td>Gregory</td> <td> d.n.b. </td> </tr></table></td><td class="gap"></td><td style="width:250"><table id="scorecard">

Anand 4-0-19-1
Aby 3-0-28-0
Gregory 4-0-28-0
Chris H 4-0-10-2
Tom R 4-1-25-2
Rob B 2-0-17-0
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