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Bradford Town Vs Venturers, Wednesday July 25th

Bradford Town 152-4, Venturers 129-8

Yet again the bowling let us down against a Bradford side. This time Kevin and Gregory were the ones who had to be removed. At least they, and Simon, got hit mainly into the road: when the bowling was from the other end we spent a lot of time in the hedge,although Chris H bowled well enough to prevent that happening too much. Tom was also good, even better in fact, but when he did go wrong it always seemed to end up in the hedge. One Bradford batsman retired on reaching fifty and another, who had perhaps got away with a thin edge to Alex earlier, nearly ran Paul Wilson out by refusing the second run off the penultimate ball that would have denied him the opportunity to reach fifty himself. He finished on 48 anyway, according to the scorebook; but the scorers seem to have given up at some point.

John could only block, but Sanket set off at such a rate as to make us wonder whether we might get close. When John found an ingenious way to get out to a full toss, Ian contributed a couple of boundaries too, but then Sanket ran himself out. After that, the slow left-armer who bowls us out every time we play against him bowled us out again, and when he ran out of overs they gave everybody a go. Chris H showed what he thought of that with a rapid 48 not out, with some support from Aby and Simon, and could probably have done almost as well against the best bowlers, but the margin of defeat is smaller than it should really have been.

Scorecard <table id="scorecardframe"> <tr> <td> <table id="scorecard"><tr> <td>John C</td> <td> 5 </td> </tr><tr class="alt"> <td>Sanket</td> <td> 20 </td> </tr><tr> <td>Ian G</td> <td> 8 (1 ct) </td> </tr><tr class="alt"> <td>Kevin</td> <td> 4 </td> </tr><tr> <td>Chris M</td> <td> 2 </td> </tr><tr class="alt"> <td>Chris H</td> <td> 48 (1 ct) </td> </tr><tr> <td>Alex C</td> <td> 0 (1 st) </td> </tr><tr class="alt"> <td>Aby</td> <td> 8 </td> </tr><tr> <td>Tom R</td> <td> 1 </td> </tr><tr class="alt"> <td>Simon</td> <td> 2 n.o. </td> </tr><tr> <td>Gregory</td> <td> 0 n.o. </td> </tr></table></td><td class="gap"></td><td style="width:250"><table id="scorecard">

Kevin 2-0-13-0
Chris H 4-1-24-1
Gregory 3-0-35-0
Tom R 4-0-25-0
Simon 4-0-1-29
Aby 2-0-12-2
Ian G 1-0-7-0
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