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University of Bath

Departmental Research Staff Coordinators (DRSC)

DRSCs support departments in enacting the Code of Practice for the Employment of Research Staff and feedback on progress to the Departmental Research Committee

The role of the DRSC is to:

  • introduce themselves to all new members of research staff
  • ensure that new research staff undergo appropriate induction via the relevant PI and others
  • ensure that all research staff are allocated a suitable career-focused mentor
  • host regular departmental level meetings for research staff in order for issues to be discussed and shared
  • ensure that research staff are represented on all relevant departmental committees
  • ensure, with the support of the Department Coordinator, that all eligible research staff undertake an annual SDPR which is appropriate to their career path
  • help to ensure, with the support of the relevant PI, that all research staff are offered the opportunity of hosting a personal profile on the departmental webpages
  • help to ensure, with the support of the mentor, that research staff have the opportunity to undertake some teaching and/or PhD supervision activity, where desired, in order to develop a rounded CV

Departmental Research Staff Coordinators

Architecture & Civil Engineering - tbc

Chemical Engineering - tbc

Chemistry - Dr Matt Grayson

Computer Science - tbc

Economics - tbc

Education - tbc

Electronic & Electrical Engineering - tbc

Health - tbc

Management - Dr Olivia Brown

Mathematics - Dr Lewis Topley

Mechanical Engineering - Dr Aykut Tamer

Physics - Prof Dmitry Skryabin

Politics, Languages & International Studies - tbc

Psychology - Emily Taylor

Social and Policy Sciences - tbc