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All England Women's Hockey Association (AEWHA) Collection

A collection of archival material and books relating to the beginnings and early development of organised hockey played by women in the UK.


Black and white photo image of the Kent county ladies’ hockey team, 1912 from the AEWHA (Hockey) archival collection held at the University of Bath
Kent county ladies’ hockey team, 1912 (Hockey D/2/86)

The collection covers the period from the inception of the All England Women’s Hockey Association (AEWHA) in 1895 to 1997 when the English Hockey Association (EHA) was established to unite the separate governing bodies for men’s and women’s hockey. It comprises minutes of committee meetings, rules and regulations, annual reports, early journals, newspaper cuttings, memorabilia, match programmes, tournament brochures, specialist publications, international tour diaries, scrapbooks and photo albums.

Although the business and activities of the AEWHA form the main focus of the collection, a wide range of more personal material relating to prominent players and influential supporters, such as Hilda Light (1890-1967), Marjorie Pollard (1899-1982) and Mary Russell-Vick (1922-2012), is also included.

The collection was deposited with the University of Bath by England Hockey, the sport’s national governing body, in 2005. With the support and collaboration of The Hockey Museum (THM), the University continues to receive new donations of material.

Size: 79 boxes of archival material and over 200 published works.

A catalogue providing full details of the archival (unpublished) contents of the AEWHA Collection is available in PDF format.

View all books in the collection.

Take a look at our online copy of the 1898 Hockey Jottings scrapbook.


If you have any questions, please contact us.