Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies

Nationalism, Populism & Radicalism

Research focus

Our research addresses the wide range of social and political phenomena associated with nationalism, populism, and radicalism. As forms of contentious politics, nationalism and populism challenge the existing institutional and normative order in both domestic and international politics. Nationalism and populism are distinct yet closely related concepts, intersecting and overlapping in relation to movements, claims, and conflicts involving the notion of a sovereign people.

Studies of nationalism tend to focus on ethnic-based sovereignty movements, irredentism, separatism, ethnic and ethno-religious conflict, civil war, racism and xenophobia, ethnic parties and voting, consociationalism and power-sharing, as well as patriotism and regime legitimation.

Research on populism and radicalism has gained in prominence and urgency in recent years, particularly in light of the UK’s Brexit referendum and the US presidential election in 2016.

Research on populism addresses:

  • phenomena and subjects like far right and radical left parties and movements
  • fascism and neofascism
  • radical and illiberal democracy
  • racism, nativism, islamophobia, xenophobia
  • Euroscepticism

Upcoming Events

12th June 2018: BISA Research Workshop 'Everyday Nationalism in World Politics'

Cluster Members

Staff Research

Dr Paul Goode
(Cluster Head)    


  • Everyday nationalism
  • Nationalism and authoritarian legitimation
  • Methods and ethics in researching nationalism

Prof Anna Bull



  • Memory and legacy of conflict
  • Italian fascism and neofascism
  • The Lega Nord
  • Regionalism
  • Federalism
  • Political cultures
Dr Stavroula Chrona

Dr Benoit Dillet



  • Social media and democracy
  • Ideology and new technologies
  • Global climate change
  • French intellectual history
Dr Isabelle Engeli
  • Public policy, governance and regulation
  • Politics of values and morality politics
  • Party competition and policy change
  • Gendering policy attention and action
  • Comparative methods 
Dr Juan Pablo Ferrero
  • Democracy
  • Social movements
  • Discourse theory
  • Populism
  • Political sociology
  • Latin American politics
Dr Ivan Gololobov
  • Radical youth subcultures and cultural radicalism
  • 'Antipolitics' and direct action
  • Left-wing militancy
  • Politically commited arts
  • Ethnographic methods of social research
  • Theory of political discourse

Dr Sophia Hatzisavvidou


  • Rhetoric and political communication
  • Environmental politics
  • Political ideologies
  • Democractic theory
  • Social movements and contestation
 Dr Paul Kennedy
  • Spanish and European politics
  • Social democracy
Dr Aurelien Mondon
  • Liberal and illiberal racisms
  • Islamophobia in elite discourse
  • The populist hype and the people as a 'threat' to democracy
  • The mainstreamin of the far right
Dr David Moon
  •  Sub-state nationalism
  • Devolution and sub-state government
  • Nationalism and class
  • Scoailist theory and practice
  • Rhetoric and oratory
Dr Andrea Purdekova
  • Nation-building in divided and conflict-affected societies
  • Politics of coexistence and integration
  • Violence and memory
  • Re-imagining citizenship after war and genocide
Dr Nicholas Startin
  • Mainstreaming of Euroscepticism in nation states
  • The rise of the Far Right in contemporary France
  • The Brexit vote
  • French elections and political parties
Prof Yannis Stavrakakis
Dr Jennifer Thomson
  • Ethno-national politics
  • Gender
  • Consociational power-sharing, particularly post-conflict


Bull, A., 2016. Th role of memory in populist discourse: the case of the Italian Second Republic. Patterns of Prejudice, 50(3), pp.213.31.

Bull, A., 2013. When the Magic Wears Off. Bossi Loses His Grip and the League Its Appeal. In: Italian Politics. A Review. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books, pp.95-111.

Bull, A., 2011. The Lega Nord and Fiscal Federalism: functional or post-functional? Modern Italy, 16(4), pp. 437-447.

Bull, A., 2011. Breaking Up the Post-War Consensus: The Ideology of the Lega Nord in the Early 1990s. The Italianist, (1), pp. 112-122.

Bull, A., 2010. Addressing contradictory needs: the Lega Nord and Italian immigration policy. Patterns of Prejudice, 44(5), pp. 411-431.

Bull, A., 2009. Lega Nord: A Case of Simulative Politics? South European Society and Politics, 14(2), pp.129-46.

Ferrero, J., 2016. Post-neoliberal protest in Latin America as struggle over the name of ‘the people’. Journal of Political Ideologies, 22(1), pp.52-73.

Ferrero, J., 2014. Democracy against Neoliberalism in Argentina and Brazil: A Move to the Left. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Gololobov, I., Pilkington, H, and Steinholt, Y.B., 2014. Punk in Russia: Cultural Mutation from the ‘Useless’ to the ‘Moronic’. London: Routledge.

Gololobov, I., 2014. On Being a punk and a scholar. A reflexive account on researching punk scene in Russia, Sociological Research Online, 19(4), 14. <>

Gololobov, I., 2014. Village as a discursive space: the political study of a non-political community. Journal of Language and Politics, 13(3), pp. 474-490.

Gololobov, I., 2012. “There are no atheists in trenches under fire”: Orthodox Christianity in Russian Punk Rock. Punk and Post Punk, 1(3), pp. 305-321.

Gololobov, I., 2015. Russian punk in the “Biggest Village on Earth”. In Hopeless Youth! Tartu: Estonian National Museum, pp. 331-348.

Gololobov, I., 2014. Immigrant punk: the struggle for post-modern authenticity. In Punk, Politics and Resistance: Fight Back! Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 77-98.

Goode, J.P., 2018. Everyday Patriotism and Ethnicity in Today’s Russia. In: P. Kolstø and H. Blakkisrud, eds. Russia Before and After Crimea: Nationalism and Identity, 2010–2017. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press.

Goode, J.P., 2017. Humming Along: Public and Private Patriotism in Putin’s Russia. In: M. Skey and M. Antonsich, eds. Everyday Nationhood: Theorising Culture, Identity and Belonging after Banal Nationalism. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Goode, J.P., 2016. Love for the Motherland (or Why Cheese Is More Patriotic than Crimea). Russian Politics, 1(4), pp.418–49.

Goode, J.P., 2012. Nationalism in Quiet Times: Ideational Power and Post-Soviet Electoral Authoritarianism. Problems of Post-Communism, 59(3), pp.6–16.

Goode, J.P., 2015. Special Issue Editors’ Introduction: New Frontiers in the Comparative Study of Ethnic Politics and Nationalism. Social Science Quarterly, 96(3), pp.685–88.

Goode, J.P., and D.R. Stroup, 2015. Everyday Nationalism: Constructivism for the Masses. Social Science Quarterly, 96(3), pp.717–39.

Goode, P. “Classroom Democracy: Demystifying the Civic Nation in The Wire.” In: S. Deylami and J. Havercroft, eds. The Politics of HBO’s The Wire: Everything Is Connected. Abingdon: Routledge, pp.41–56.

Kennedy, P., 2017. The Spanish Socialist Party and the Modernisation of Spain. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Kennedy, P. and Cutts, D., Forthcoming. Podemos and the Art of the Possible. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Manwaring, R. and Kennedy, P., eds., 2017. Why the Left Loses: The Decline of the Centre-Left in Comparative Perspective. Policy Press/University of Chicago Press.

Mondon, A. and Winter, A., 2017. Articulations of Islamophobia: From the Extreme to the Mainstream? Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40(13).

Mondon, A., 2017. Limiting democratic horizons to a nationalist reaction: populism, the radical right and the working class. Javnost/The Public: Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture, 24 (3).

Moon, D.S. 2016 'We're Internationalists, not Nationalists': the political remifications of Welsh Labour's internal power struggle over the 'One Wales' coalition in 2007', Contemporary Britihs History, 20 (2): 281-302

Moon, D.S. 2014 'Why the Welsh said yes, but the Northerners no: the role of the political parties in consolidating territorial government', Contemporary British History, 28 (3): 318-340

Purdekova, A., 2008. Building a Nation in Rwanda? De-ethnicisation and its Discontents. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 8(3), pp.502-523.

Purdekova, A., 2011. Rwanda’s Ingando Camps: Liminality and the Reproduction of Power. Oxford Refugee Studies Centre (RSC) Working Paper No. 80.

Purdekova, A., 2012. “Civic Education” and Social Transformation in Post-Genocide Rwanda: Forging the Perfect Development Subjects. In: Campioni, M. and Noack, P., eds. Rwanda Fast Forward: Social, Economic, Military and Reconciliation Prospects, London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Purdekova, A., 2015. Making Ubumwe: Power, State and Camps in Rwanda’s Unity-Building Project. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books.

Purdekova, A., 2017. Displacements of Memory: Struggles Against the Erosion and Dislocation of the Material Record of Violence in Burundi. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 11(2), pp.339-358.

Purdekova, A., 2017. Respacing for Peace? Resistance to Integration and the Ontopolitics of Rural Planning in Post-War Burundi. Development and Change, 48(3), pp.534-566.

Titley, G., Freedman, D., Khiabany, G. and Mondon, A., eds., 2017. After Charlie Hebdo? Politics, Media and Free Speech. Zed, London, U. K.