Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies

Biochemical Security 2030 - towards improved science-based multilevel governance


Principal Investiagtor: Prof David J. Galbreath

Research Team: Brett Edwards (Research Officer)

Funder: Economic and Social Research Council

Amount: £238,601

Duration: 1 March 2013 – 30 September 2014


Project rationale and aims

This project will analyse (from an international regime perspective) how improved science-based multilevel governance measures of future biochemical security can be conceptualised and implemented.

The primary focus of the project will be to investigate how the work of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC) and the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) can be improved so that effective action can be taken to more efficiently develop awareness, education, controls and use for key users such as biologists, chemists and other associated scientists whose work has dual-use implications.

The scientific approach to the problem of effectiveness brings together work on arms control, security governance, and science and policy-making to examine the question of regime effectiveness. From this, the project is particularly interested the relationship between science, policy-making and education in the cases of the BWC and CWC regimes.

The original project was designed and submitted by Dr Alexander Kelle whom is currently seconded to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

Find out more about this project

Name: Prof David Galbreath
Title: Dean
Department: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Location: 1 West 3.24
Phone: work+44 (0) 1225 385936