“Down the rabbit hole? Implementation challenges for unconditional basic income schemes (and how to avoid them)” keynote lecture at upcoming BIEN Congress, Lisbon, 25-27 September 2017
“A New Universalism? Varieties of Basic Income and Welfare State Reform” presentation for ESPANet annual conference,
University of Lisbon, 14-16 September (with Luke Martinelli)
“The Exit Trap: Is Basic Income an Acceptable Way Out for Republicans?”, presentation for workshop on The Future of
Republicanism, York University, 26-27 June 2017
“Varieties of Basic Income: A Research Programme” presentation at annual conference Today’s Future Challenges & Opportunities Across the Social Sciences, Independent Social Research Foundation, Amsterdam, 21-22 June 2017
“What We Can (Already?) Learn from the Finnish Basic Income Experiment”, presentation for IBEI workshop on Technology,
Employment and Basic Income, University of Barcelona, 25 May 2017
“Squaring the Circle of Welfare Reform: Unconditional Basic Income as a Social Investment Strategy?”, presentation for Society, Policy and Practice seminar, Swansea University, 17 May 2017 (with Luke Martinelli)
“Squaring the Circle of Welfare Reform: Unconditional Basic Income as a Social Investment Strategy?”, presentation prepared for CIDEEFF workshop on Unconditional Basic Income, Lisbon School of Law, 15 May 2017
“A Health Dividend? The role and impact of unconditional cash transfers on health outcomes”, invited presentation at Global Governance and Responsibility — EADI (the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes) Collaboration Seminar, Tampere, 10 April 2017
“What (If Anything) Can we Learn from Piloting Basic Income Experiments?” public lecture at the Centre for Sustainable Business, Stockholm School of Economics, Riga (Latvia), 7 April 2017
“Basic Income and the Precariat: From Exit Option to Exit Trap?”, presentation for Precariousness workshop, Newcastle University. 7-8 January 2017
“Exit, Voice and Solidarity: What Should We Expect from a Basic Income Guarantee in the Workplace?” presentation for Labour Market Injustice workshop, Newcastle University, 14-15 December 2016
“Varieties of Basic Income”, presentation for workshop on Basic Income and the European Welfare State, Institute for Policy Research, 13 December 2016 (with Luke Martinelli)
“Basic Income In our Time: Political Prospects, Political Challenges”, public lecture at Richmond University, London, 1 November 2016
“Comparing Basic Income Experiments: Lessons and Challenges”, presentation at expert workshop Experimenting with Basic Income: Finland and Netherlands, Kela — Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Helsinki, 8 November 2016
Invited panelist, 30th Anniversary of BIEN (Basic Income Earth Network), UCL Louvain-la-Neuve, 1 October 2016
“Basic Income and the Exit Fallacy (Or Keeping It Real In Theory and Practice)”, seminar presentation at Centre for Research in Ethics (CRE), University of Montreal, 21 September 2016
Invited Participant, special session on the future of basic income in Quebec, Forum des Idées pour le Québec, Montréal, 23-25 September 2016