Research Activity Report (RAR) is part of the forms for academic probation, promotion and annual appraisal processes.
For more information on the overall process, consult the HR webpages.
Running your RAR
Run your RAR as early as possible to identify and fill any gaps. To run your RAR:
- Go to ‘Personal’ tab (for most people Pure will automatically display this tab).
- Click on ‘Research activity report’ (third option underneath your name).
- Choose the time frame you want to report on.
- Select ‘Portrait’ orientation.
- Choose to download the report as a .PDF or .doc format.
- Save your report.
Check your funding and supervision data carefully. If any are incorrect or missing, email and we will correct them in the underlying databases.
Sections of the RAR
The RAR organises your data in Pure into one of eight sections:
'Research Applications Overview’: a summary of your research funding applications submitted via the Proposal and Award Management (PAM) system during the specified period
‘Research Applications’: details of your funding applications, sorted in descending date order
‘Research and Related Projects’: details of all funding held by you during the period, sorted by start date. This includes ‘non-funded’ projects which are projects you have added manually to Pure
‘Research Publications Overview’: a summary of your research outputs for the specified period
‘Research Publications’: details of your research outputs, sorted by type, status and then date. Enter at least the month and year for each research output. If only the year is entered, the date on the report will default to 01/01/year. Remember to add your percentage contribution for each research output; this is especially important for probation and promotion cases
‘Impact’: details of your impact records in the period, sorted alphabetically by title
‘Activities’: details of your research-related activities for the period, sorted by type and then date
‘Postgraduate Supervision’: current and past research students supervised during the period, ordered alphabetically by surname. If you supervise DClinPsy students you will need to create a separate comment box within your probation report titled 'Any other research activity not covered in the Pure Research Activity Report'