Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences leadership team
We manage research, teaching and recruitment strategies for the Faculty and its departments.
Our duties include:
- the leadership of the Faculty and its departments
- coordinating and promoting Faculty research and knowledge transfer activities
- planning Faculty strategies for teaching, recruitment and research
- overseeing learning, teaching and student experience
Leadership team
- Dean, Professor Deborah Wilson
- Deputy Dean, Professor Fiona Gillison
- Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching), Dr Gail Forey
- Associate Dean (Research), Professor Emma Carmel
- Associate Dean (International), Professor Louise Brown
- Director of Administration, Katy McKen
Heads of Department
- Head of Department of Economics, Professor Ajit Mishra
- Head of Department of Education, Elisabeth Barratt Hacking
- Head of Department for Health, Dr Polly McGuigan
- Head of Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies, Professor Peter Lambert
- Head of Department of Psychology, Professor Mark Brosnan
- Head of Department of Social & Policy Sciences, Professor Monica Greco