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Terms and conditions for room bookings

The rules for using general teaching rooms (GTA) which should be read and agreed as part of a room booking request.

Terms And Conditions

Rachel Harvey, Assistant Registrar, Academic Registry
Approval date
11 Jul 2024
Approved by
James Arthur, Head of Registry Services, Academic Registry
Date of last review
11 Jul 2024
Date of next review
01 Jul 2025

Please read the guidelines below before making any room booking request.

When you make a booking using the Bath Online Room Request Service (BORRS), and accept the terms of the booking, you are confirming that you have read and agree to these conditions.

Further information about the room-booking process is available on our Booking rooms web page.

Freedom of Expression

The University has a legal duty to protect students’ right to free speech. This duty is covered by Regulation 18 (Code of Practice). This also covers University staff and visiting speakers.

Users of teaching rooms must comply with the University Code of Practice on Freedom of Expression. The ‘Principal Organiser’ for each booking is responsible for ensuring that the organisers and users of the rooms comply with the obligations placed upon them by the Code of Practice.

By making a booking you confirm you have read and will follow this policy.

Rules for using General Teaching Rooms (GTA)

  • All room users must follow the University’s Health and Safety policies and guidance, including no smoking
  • Food must not be eaten or served in tiered lecture theatres or computer rooms
  • Hot food (such as pizza) is not allowed in ANY teaching or committee room
  • Eating cold food in ‘flat’ teaching rooms must be requested and agreed by contacting prior to the booking; Cold food may only be served in flat rooms if permission has been received
  • Activities in teaching rooms must not disturb users of nearby rooms; If you need a room for an activity which may disturb others, please contact Academic Registry and it will allocate a room which is suitable to your requirements
  • Furniture must not be removed from the room
  • Room occupancy must not exceed the stated room capacity; The person teaching in a room (or the person supervising the booked space) is responsible for ensuring the room is not overcrowded (i.e., more occupants than the health and safety capacity dictates) at any point

At the end of your booking:

  • Log off all equipment and leave it on standby
  • Furniture in rooms must be left in the layout noted on the wall diagram in the room
  • Rooms must be left clean and tidy, with writing boards cleaned
  • Where cold food is served, the room must be appropriately ventilated before the end of the booking
  • Close any windows
  • Leave the room promptly by five minutes past the hour; all room bookings end at five minutes past the hour to allow for changeover of users and to install any equipment
  • To report a fault with the building or furniture please contact Campus Infrastructure.
  • For technical issues with the IT or AV equipment please contact DDaT.

Student society bookings

The following rules apply in addition to the rules for use of General Teaching Area (GTA) rooms:

  • Only groups affiliated with the Students’ Union or those sponsored by a department may book a teaching room
  • Bookings must be made using the online booking system by a named committee member such as the Chair, Secretary or Treasurer
  • The society or group name must be stated in the booking description
  • With the permission of Academic Registry, agreed at least seven days in advance of the room booking, cold food can be served in ‘flat’ teaching rooms only
  • No dancing or other physical activity bookings are permitted in the Chancellors Building, or in 3WN 3.7 & 3.8
  • No dancing or other noisy activities are permitted in 4 East (particularly 4E 3.19) or 1 West 3.103

Failure to comply with the above rules will result in a booking being cancelled.


If you have any questions, please contact us.