The group has had three meetings, on 30 June 2000, 6 July 2000 and 20 July 2000. These were informed by many discussions, summarised in a paper by James Davenport.

Jacki Hargreaves has produced a very useful introduction and list of resources, and an interim evaluation.

Roger Jardine has evaluated some of these systems.

Andy Powell says: I've started putting together a list of useful looking resources based largely on recent messages.

Rachel Hudson says: I recommend the following website, especially Section 2 on asynchronous technologies, which reviews: Lotus Notes, Lotus Learning Space, First Class, First Class Collaborative Classroom, Caucus, WebCT, COW and WebBoard. She also circulated information about an IFETS discussion.

A brochure has been received from Online Learning Ltd., but this seems to describe products under development.

The meeting of 20 July produced a recommendation to the University Executive to proceed with Blackboard, more particularly Blackboard 5. A further progress report and update went to Executive on 31 July.

An update was sent to Heads of Department on 29.9.2000.

Gill Smith has written an interesting account of COSE and how it's used at Staffordshire University, based on much interaction with Mark Stiles there. COSE is now installed at Bath.