The conference was organised by students Cameron Smith and Elizabeth Gray, from the third cohort of SAMBa.
The two days were packed with academic and student talks, poster sessions, and a first time joint session with CSCT, our sister Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Chemical Technologies, as well as a dinner reception.
The speakers included Prof. David Silvester (University of Manchester), Dr Kirsty Hassall and Dr Alice Milne (Rothamstead Research) and Dr Amanda Turner (Lancaster University). The joint session with CSCT included talks from Dr Mike Mason (University of Oxford) and Prof Lord Robert Winston (Imperial College London).
The conference also delivered 22 SAMBa student talks and 14 poster presentation, highlighting the excellent range of high quality research taking place in SAMBa. Amanda Turner said:
The students organised a great meeting, which ran like clockwork. I was really impressed with the diversity of the projects that students are working on.
This year the conference was sponsored by Syngenta, and the 75 attendees included representatives from many external partners and students from universities around the UK, which helped to make the event a great success!