Married mothers who earn more than their husbands take on an even greater share of housework
Published on 31 March 2022Married couples may be trying to compensate for deviating from the entrenched gender norm of ‘male breadwinner’
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Married couples may be trying to compensate for deviating from the entrenched gender norm of ‘male breadwinner’
Selective use of scents could encourage healthier eating or improve consumers’ airline flight experiences
New research paper asks what more countries with already-high tobacco tax rates could do to reduce smoking.
Co-worker support shared with a partner at home inspires creative thinking, shows new research from our School of Management
New research on smartphone use raises fears for privacy
New research signals benefits for both employees and companies of educating about, and implementing, trans allyship
Collaboration with University’s Centre for Smart Warehousing and Internet of Things company aims to help firms meet rising online shopping and delivery demands
Companies must walk the talk: human rights policies must be backed by deeper engagement
School of Management postgraduate student takes a top award at The Women in Tech Excellence Awards 2021
Global experts concerned by Meta’s ‘secretive and questionable’ methods when researching the effects of on social media on children and adolescents