Paul Mendez in conversation with Professor Rajani Naidoo
Published on 7 October 2021The University of Bath Library and BANES Council present an online event with Paul Mendez, author of the highly praised novel 'Rainbow Milk'.
News stories, service updates, and other important messages.
The University of Bath Library and BANES Council present an online event with Paul Mendez, author of the highly praised novel 'Rainbow Milk'.
A specially commissioned mural recording campus commemorative tree planting, 1966-2016.
Enhanced Alumni membership of the Library - free membership for all alumni with additional access to selected online resources.
A regular report summarising key changes and developments that have happened to Library services, facilities and resources as well as promotional activities.
An annual report summarising key changes and developments that have happened to Library services, facilities and resources as well as promotional activities.
An annual report summarising key changes and developments that have happened to Library services, facilities and resources as well as promotional activities.