The purpose of the new Academic Secondment Scheme from RIS is to develop, build and strengthen collaborations with businesses (SME and large organisations) that lead to knowledge exchange and future funding opportunities.
The intention for this funding, provided by Research England, is to support secondments of academics across the three Faculties and the School of Management.
Through this scheme, funding is available for an academic to be seconded into the business for one or two day a week (or equivalent thereof) at the partner’s premises. Virtual secondments will be considered if sufficient evidence can be provided on how the academic will be embedded within the business.
Each secondment will last for a period of between three to five months, with the secondment being complete by 31 July 2024. The funding will cover travel and the academic’s time.
Secondment applications will be reviewed by the Business Partnership and Knowledge Exchange Team in RIS alongside the Faculty/School based Knowledge Exchange Directors. The group will review the application quality and partner due diligence as part of the assessment criteria. The application form will need to be signed and dated by relevant Heads of Department and the supporting external partner.
Applicants will need to:
- demonstrate how the secondment will strengthen the partnership and build further KE opportunities
- provide a signed Heads of Terms statement from the partner organisation (confirming the proposed heads of terms for the secondment have been reviewed and are acceptable)
Immersing academics into businesses strengthens relationships and provides opportunity to share skills and ideas, ultimately driving innovation. Seconded staff offer partner organisations a fresh perspective and opportunities to apply expertise to real-world challenges.
We hope that secondments will lead to ongoing KE activities such as contract research projects, Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, consultancy or UKRI applications.
To ensure the secondment scheme is being effectively implemented, the Business Partnership & KE Team in RIS will arrange short check-ins with the academic to provide support.
All secondments will need to produce a short final report that summarises the outcomes of the project and provides feedback on the scheme and will be asked to present their experience to peers at an Ignite Plus online event.
Eligibility: This scheme is designed for Academic positions (ECR and above).
Key Dates
Competition Opens: 3 January 2024
Submission Date: 2 February 2024
Funding Decision: 16 February 2024 (applicants will be informed as soon as possible)
Secondment start dates: March/April 2024
All Secondments must be complete by 31 July 2024
Please email your application to: by 2 February.
If you have any enquiries please contact the business partnerships team: