Professor Philip Ingham, Head of the Department of Life Sciences, is delighted to invite you to attend a lecture by the Nobel Prize Laureate, Sir Paul Nurse FRS on 12 January 2024 at 16.00 in the Chancellors' Building lecture theatre number CB 1.11. All staff and students are invited to engage in conversation with Sir Paul during the reception afterwards in the Chancellors' Building foyer.
Sir Paul Nurse is a geneticist and cell biologist whose discoveries have helped to explain how the cell controls its cycle of growth and division. Working in fission yeast, he showed that the cdc2 gene encodes a protein kinase, which ensures the cell is ready to copy its DNA and divide. Paul’s findings have broader significance since errors in cell growth and division may lead to cancer and other serious diseases.
In the talk titled “Control of the Cell Cycle”, Paul will present the latest findings from his laboratory on the key regulators of the cell cycle, giving an account which differs significantly from the textbook explanations of cell cycle control detail, his career and the research journey that led to his breakthrough discovery of key regulators of the cell cycle.
This is the second lecture in the Faculty of Science Bath Nobel Laureate Lecture Series, designed to inspire and enthuse a new generation of researchers and share incredible stories across the field.
Professor Duncan Craig, Dean of the Faculty of Science, noted: "We are extremely excited to be welcoming Sir Paul to the University and look forward very much to hearing his presentation. I would encourage all staff and students, irrespective of research area, to come along and hear and meet Sir Paul; over and above the outstanding science, his own life story is fascinating!”
This event is free, but booking is essential.