Dates: 6 & 7 June 2024
Location: University of Bath, UK ONLINE
Dying, death, bereavement and loss are experiences that are inherently embedded in complex webs of human relationships, environments, interactions, and practices. Encompassing this web, we invite submissions to the 2024 CDAS Conference on the broad theme of ‘Death and Communities’. Communities we take here to mean a wide range of topics and issues, and we welcome papers including but not limited to:
- Social cohesion and social movements
- Absent communities
- Digital communities and networks
- Belonging and identity
- Ritual, religion and belief
- Marginalised communities
- Diasporas and migration
- Best practice and professional development
- Responsibilities and agency at the end of life
- Climate change, environmental loss and their impact
- Deviant or criminal communities
- Education, advocacy and support
- Community initiatives and assets
- Research communities
- Legal communities
The 2024 CDAS Conference will be on 6 & 7 June 2024 and will be entirely online to ensure we can keep costs down for attendees, be accessible to as many people as possible and to be able to welcome a truly international audience. To ensure the event is manageable we cap it at around 40-50 papers and 3-4 panels so please make sure to explicitly address the conference theme in your abstract submission to give yourself the best chance of being selected by the conference organising team.
We invite abstracts for presentations in the following formats:
- Individual paper (20-25 minutes including questions, to be put into a 60-90 minute session according to theme and/or time zone)
- Panel session or workshop (60-90 minutes, for panels we recommend a maximum of 4 presenters recruited and coordinated by the panel organiser, and detailed in the submission, including agreement to contribute by all)
- Multi-media session (60-90 minute sessions, using creative and/or visual methods)
Please submit your 200 word abstract by noon 31 January 2024 GMT.