Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Chaplaincy and Muslim Prayer Room on campus are now closed. However, there is still a presence of inclusive and holistic care on campus through Student Services.
You can reach out to any of the individuals on our Interfaith Forum webpage. A full list of our Faith Societies and their contact details can be found on Chaplaincy's societies webpage.
The campus Chaplaincy still has the night light is on, and the message ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’ is visible through the glass doors. ‘God is with us’
Revd Nigel Rawlinson will walk the campus each day to be a visible presence, observing social distancing rules of 2 meters. You can email the University's Chaplain at n.rawlinson@bath.ac.uk and he will continue to respond and speak to you if you wish. You are not alone.
He is posting thoughts and encouragements regularly on Chaplain's latest reflection blog.
Other Chaplains are also available. You can email:
- Karen Turner at kt603@bath.ac.uk
- Mother Sarah at m.sarah@tiscali.co.uk
- Father Christopher at Christopher.Whitehead@Cliftondiocese.com
A prayer for our world
Almighty Father, creator and redeemer Please look upon your world Give us guidance and your power to overcome this virus, Be alongside those who are vulnerable and anxious; And we ask for your safety and healing of individuals, communities and nations. And on this campus help us to care for each other; In Jesus name Amen
‘God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. Therefore, we will not fear.’ Psalm 46 v 1- 2
In this time of the Chaplaincy being closed, but all our people being open to God’s care and love, let us pray:
Keep us, good Lord, under the shelter of your mercy in this time of uncertainty and distress. Sustain and support the anxious and fearful, and lift up all who are brought low; that we may rejoice in your comfort knowing that nothing can separate us from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
The University Islamic Society is can be contacted at su-buis@bath.ac.uk.
Please feel free to reach out to our friend and local Imam in Bath Mohammed Gamal at mohammedgamal@alazhar.edu.
Mohamed has kindly shared two visual messages with the Muslim community in Bath at this difficult time:
If you are looking for online resources from a Muslim perspective during these times, look at the Yaqeen Institute’s series.
The University Jewish Society can be contacted through Rabbi Mendy at rabbimendy@jewishbristol.com or 07958 169159, or Chaya on 07852 986573.
Information on caring for Jewish Students and Communities in the South West England can be found on the Jewish Bristol Chabad of Bristol website.
And there are a number of resources and virtual events available on their website, including:
- Community Volunteer Network Isolated But Not Alone
- Pesach Seder Supplies & Kosher Delivery, Virtual Learning Opportunities
- Family Resources Virtual Pesach Cheder Programme
- Mitzvah Measures for Protection, Shul & Kaddis Virtual Services
- Positivity Boost Daily Whatsapp Broadcast
The University of Jewish Societies has also provided a downloadable PDF of the latest advice in relation to COVID-19.
If you require any support at this time, the Bristol and West Progressive Jewish Congregation (Liberal) are available at any time. You can also find their advice on the current situation and live streaming of services on their Facebook page.
Our University Hindu contact is Yukteshwar Kumar and they can be contacted at yk212@bath.ac.uk.
The Hindu Council UK website has information on the lock down of Temples in the UK.
The Hindu Temple in Bristol is currently closed, however, to ensure that you can seek guidance and support, the Board of Trustees have arranged for two individuals to be available to give social and spiritual support and religious guidance over the phone. Their numbers are:
- Kamleshbhai Vyas - 07946 479726
- Anirudhbhai Bhatt - 07900 085502
More information can be found on the Hindu Temple in Bristol website.
Our University Sikh contact is Yukteshwar Kumar and they can be contacted at yk212@bath.ac.uk. The CitySikhs are providing regular updates for the Sikh Community.
Although all Gurdwara are closed, there are some providing live streaming links, these include:
- Sri Guru Singh Sabha Southall, continuous
- Guru Nanak Darbar Gurdwara Gravesend, set times
- Gurdwara Bangla Sahib, Delh
The Sikh Coalition has provided a detailed response and resources on their response to COVID-19.
The International Network of Engaged Buddhists explores the Social Solidarity of the COVID-19 crisis with some comforting articles and resources.