Some research funding opportunities, schemes and calls have restrictions on the number of applications that can be made by an Institution and/or encourage institutions to carefully manage quality in order to limit the total numbers of applications they receive, and this is often referred to as ‘demand management’.
In such instances, Research and Innovation Services (RIS) at the University of Bath, will coordinate the internal demand management process and we ask potential applicants to contact us as early as possible to notify their interest in any such opportunity.
Our internal selection processes may include:
a short, written outline or expression of interest stage, in which applicants are asked how they meet the call criteria, with a selected number of applicants agreed by an internal panel to proceed to draft an application
panel events in which potential applicants are asked to pitch (verbally present) their research ideas to colleagues and to receive feedback
review of ideas or outline proposals to ensure they are a good fit to the scheme and are likely to be competitive
workshops and sandpits to enable researchers to build grant writing teams
support of the chosen applicant(s) including advice on proposal development and peer review of the final draft
For all opportunities where there is a demand management requirement, we undertake to carefully consider the composition of the selection panel and in addition to funder expertise, ED&I aspects are a core consideration.
Opportunities are coordinated by RIS centrally or in conjunction with faculties.
Current opportunities
- Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) Research Fellowships - 12 February
- Academy of Medical Sciences Springboard Scheme - 18 February
- UKRI Proof of Concept – mandatory requirement to inform UKRI and the TTO of your intention to submit by 3 March
If you wish to apply for a restricted opportunity which is not listed, please complete a short intention to submit form soon as possible to notify us of the scheme (including hyperlinks to the funding opportunity wherever possible).