Our University Strategy 2021-2026 aims to drive excellence in education and high-impact research, while fostering an outstanding and inclusive community and enhancing strategic partnerships.
We will support this through the development of an integrated approach that translates our strategy – through planning, delivery and performance monitoring – into action, enabling the University to achieve its strategic goals and provide lasting impact.
The launch of the Department of Planning, Performance and Strategic Change, reporting to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, is built on earlier progress by bringing together elements of the Planning and Policy teams and the Strategic Projects Office.
Led by Sharon Street as Director of Planning, Performance and Strategic Change, the new department combines strategic and business planning, informed by analysis and insight, together with the end-to-end monitoring of progress towards our long-term objectives and delivery of strategic projects.
Pulling these elements together will integrate our approaches and focus our resources and investment on the realisation of our University Strategy. This strategic coordination will be complemented by the continuous improvement of our planning processes alongside effective project and change delivery.
The department comprises three teams: Strategy & Planning, Business Analytics & Insights, and the Strategic Projects Office.
The department’s shared role is to provide this integrated approach to strategy management, enabling the university to deliver its strategic outcomes and provide lasting impact. This will be achieved do this by:
- providing clear line of sight between strategy and implementation by bringing together the four pillars and key enablers as a coordinated set of plans that together deliver on the University’s strategic goals
- translating strategic ideas into actionable plans, championing delivery of institutional priorities and moving change forwards
- developing a planning process that looks to the longer term, building a pipeline of investments rooted in our academic purpose and supported by delivery plans that are co-created by academic and professional services, and introducing regular review points to monitor progress and make adjustments
- providing transparent, reliable, usable, and accessible insights to support effective decision making and performance monitoring
- bringing people together from across the institution; building connections and reducing silos, ensuring that we make the best use of our resources and maximise the benefits.
Our teams are at different stages in their formation: the Strategic Projects Office is well established; Strategy & Planning is in the process of forming and over the coming months we’ll be building our capacity and capabilities in Analytics & Insight.
The teams are already collaborating on developing an integrated approach and lifecycle – maximising synergies across strategy, planning, insights, delivery and performance – to enable the University to deliver its strategic outcomes and provide lasting impact.
Our strategy is our future and impacts us all. We are committed to transparency about how we are delivering on it. We will continue to update on progress through these web pages and other channels.