Online Unit Evaluations (OUEs) are open each semester. OUEs give you the opportunity to provide anonymous feedback on what is going well on your units and how the units can be improved.

Each OUE takes approximately 5 minutes to complete and can be performed on a PC or any mobile device. Find out more about OUE opening and closing dates, the questions and how to provide constructive feedback.

You can view your department's Semester 1 and 2 response rates in the league tables below. Getting a high response rate means that the results more accurately represent the views of the cohort and your Unit Convenor or Director of Studies must formally respond to your feedback. Your Unit Convenor or Director of Studies should talk to you about the results even if the response rate is low.

Semester 1 Response rates

The overall response rate for semester 1 was 24.3%.

Rank Department S1 Response rate
1 Education 41.5%
2 Health 32.6%
3 Social & Policy Sciences 32.5%
4 Cross-Faculty International Management & Modern Languages courses 31.4%
5 Natural Sciences 30.0%
6 Politics, Languages & International Studies 29.7%
7 Psychology 29.4%
8 Management 25.2%
9 Chemical Engineering 23.5%
10 Computer Science 23.3%
11 Chemistry 22.2%
12 Physics 22.0%
13 Life Sciences 21.6%
14 Mechanical Engineering 21.34%
15 Mathematical Sciences 21.28%
16 Electronic & Electrical Engineering 21.2%
17 Architecture & Civil Engineering 20.7%
18 Economics 20.4%

Semester 2 Response rates

The overall response rate for semester 2 was 19.3%.

Rank Department S2 Response rate
1 Cross-Faculty International Management & Modern Languages courses 30.0%
2 Education 29.6%
3 Psychology 28.2%
4 Health 28.1%
5 Politics, Languages & International Studies 24.9%
6 Social & Policy Sciences 24.5%
7 Natural Sciences 24.1%
8 Physics 21.3%
9 Architecture & Civil Engineering 21.1%
10 Management 18.5%
11 Life Sciences 18.1%
12 Economics 16.6%
13 Mathematical Sciences 16.3%
14 Chemistry 14.3%
15 Mechanical Engineering 13.0%
16 Computer Science 12.6%
17 Chemical Engineering 10.8%
18 Electronic & Electrical Engineering 8.8%

By completing your OUEs, you are entered into two prize draws:

  • student prize of one of 5 x £100 cash
  • department prize of £250 cash per semester for the department who achieves the largest percentage point (pp) increase in response rate from 2022/23 to spend on improving the student experience

To be entered, you need to submit one or more OUEs before the unit's OUE closing date. You can view your individual units' closing dates on the Unit Evaluation page on SAMIS.

Department prize winners

The two departments who won £250 cash for the largest increase in response rates were:

  • Education (13.2pp from 28.3% to 41.5%)
  • Physics (5.8pp from 15.5% to 21.3%)