Researchfish is an external online system that collects details of research outcomes for a range of funders. This helps funders track the impacts of their investments. PIs in scope of the ResearchFish return have been contacted individually by ResearchFish and funders.
The 2025 data submission period is between Monday 3 February to 4pm on Thursday 13 March 2025. During this period, PIs must log onto ResearchFish and make their submission by answering a set of mandatory questions.
This submission period is relevant to the following funders:
- Research Councils UK
- British Heart Foundation
- Cancer Research UK
- Dunhill Medical Trust
- MQ Transforming Mental Health
- National Institute for Health Research
- Rosetrees Trust
- Wellcome Trust
To enable publication upload to Researchfish by Research and Innovation Services (RIS), please ensure all relevant research publications and projects are linked together in Pure by 31 January. See linking content in Pure.
RIS is running a series of drop-in sessions on Teams where academics and students can complete their Researchfish submissions and ask questions as they go. The sessions on Teams are on:
- Drop-in Session: Tuesday 18 February 3.00pm-4.00pm - Join the meeting now
- Drop-in Session: Tuesday 27 February 11.00am-12.00pm - Join the meeting now
- Drop in Session: Monday 3 March 3.00pm-4.00pm - Join the meeting now
- Drop in Session: Wednesday 12 March 2.30pm-3.30pm - Join the meeting now
It is important to note that some funders, including Research Councils, will apply sanctions if a Researchfish return is not submitted by the deadline. These apply to the individual, where a PI is ineligible to apply for further funding and any current grant payments are withheld. With certain other funders these sanctions will be applied at an institutional level for non-compliance.