The Vice Chancellor recently took time to visit Westwood Nursery to recognise their hard work and contributions, after receiving the ‘Supporting Colleagues’ (Team) and ‘Overall Team’ Staff Recognition Awards last year.
The Staff Recognition Awards panel, recognised the excellence delivered by the Nursery team. The nominations demonstrated their great work and how they delivered exceptional support. The panel also recognised that their contributions not only affected individuals directly, but many teams, and fundamentally allowed the University to continue running as well as possible over the last few years.
Being nominated for an award is a huge achievement. The Staff Recognition Awards provide an excellent opportunity for both students and staff to recognise the hard work being delivered, and valuing the outstanding contributions being carried out by our Professional Services and Support staff.
Staff Recognition Awards 2023
This year the Staff Recognition Awards launch on Wednesday 19 April 2023, for more information on the awards and how to nominate please visit the Staff Recognition Awards page.
Congratulations once again to all those who were nominated and won Staff Recognition Awards 2022, and especially the Westwood Nursery Team for both of their awards.