The University of Bath and Bath Spa University have given £20k in funding to support Bath BID's Bath Safe Bus, helping it to continue delivering its crucial late night welfare service.

Bath Safe Bus provides a safe space for the public during the weekends, delivering welfare support and medical care. Not only does this actively improve women’s safety and the perceived fear of crime in the city centre, but it also helps to reduce the burden on local emergency services.

Launched in March 2023, Bath Safe Bus is fast approaching its two-year anniversary and over that time has supported 634 people, dealt with 338 welfare incidents, treated 289 medical incidents which have been fully resolved at the Bath Safe Bus and prevented the need to call emergency services.

Service users to the Bath Safe Bus include 183 students who have been supported and cared for by the team, until they are well enough to return home safely.

Based on data from The King’s Fund and Hudgell Solicitors, since launching, Bath Safe Bus has saved the NHS nearly £330,500 (£120,802 in NHS Accident & Emergency costs and £208,658 in transportation and overnight stays at a hospital.)

Sponsorship is vital to securing the future of the multi award-winning project, which is run by Bath BID - an independent, not- for- profit, business-led initiative working to create the environment for businesses in Bath to succeed.

This most recent £10K sponsorship from each university will help to cover the costs involved with the operational running of the bus, the majority of which goes towards funding a fully qualified (FREC 4+) on-board paramedic or technician who ensures that the service provided is both safe and reliable, whilst reducing the pressures on the emergency services.

Ian Blenkharn, University Secretary & Registrar at the University of Bath said: “With over 20,000 students from our university alone in the city, the need forvalue of safety and welfare initiatives like these cannot be overstated. Knowing that The Bath Safe Bus is there to provide students and the community with emotional and medical support is hugely reassuring. It’s wonderful to be able to support an initiative that makes such a tangible difference, as well as easing the strain on local emergency services.”

Funding for the Bath Safe Bus was provided by the Home Office via the Safer Streets Fund for the first year, but it is now reliant on BID levy income and sponsorship. As well as the sponsorship from the universities, the scheme also receives crucial support from Labyrinth Nightclub, Norland Nannies, Bath College and Bath and North East Somerset Public Health and Preventative Services.

Nick Bishop, Business Manager at Bath BID, said of the project: “As we enter our third year of operation in order to continue to deliver support to students and others in the city late at night, it is important for us to raise funds through sponsorship and fundraising. We are so grateful to have received such generous donations from both of our local universities, Bath College and several local businesses, all of which enables us to continue offering our vital service to the whole community.”

Media Communications students at Bath Spa University Daisy Muchmore and Pippa Green recently created a film that captures the impact of the project on the community and its role within the nighttime economy.

For more information about the Bath Safe Bus and how you can support its work, visit the Bath BID website.