Nominations for the Vice-Chancellor’s Outreach Awards 2024 are now open. You can nominate yourself or a colleague. Here are the details of the awards and the nomination form. The nomination deadline has been extended to 31 May.

Prizes will be awarded across five categories to cover the range of outreach delivered by the University and the diverse ways in which staff and PhD students contribute:

Engage: For outreach activity that has really captured the audience and made a difference to them.
Reach out: Recognising those that deliver outreach to unusual, under-represented, or hard-to-reach audiences.
Support: Celebrating those who support outreach, whether they deliver it themselves or not.
Impact: For those with a robust evaluation of their activities showing the benefit that they have.
Dedication: Recognising ongoing and substantial contributions to outreach.

Award winners will be announced at a celebration event, attended by the Vice-Chancellor on 4 July, so please save the date!

Interested in outreach? Did you know we have a community of practice for academics, departmental staff, and PhD students to share experiences and best practices and to find and share opportunities and resources? The Bath Outreach Network. You can add yourself to the Teams group, join with code rm0o29e, or email Nerys Shah to be added to the Teams group.