Talking about their innovative research, the ten presentations from across the University covered a wide range of themes from gas turbines to new generation batteries to business failure.

Some of the researchers who presented included:

  • Dr Melanie Kreye is a Prize Fellow at the School of Management. Her research focuses on uncertainty in different industrial and academic areas, such as the relationship between service providers and customers. Melanie’s presentation looked at some of the challenges and uncertainty manufacturing companies face and, drawing on her qualitative research into the business term ‘servitization’, highlighted how companies can develop new ways to engage in closer relationships with customers.

  • In 2006, Dr James Turner graduated from the University with a BSc in Sport & Exercise Science. Eight years later, James is back working within the Department of Heath where his research is looking at the impact exercise and weight loss have on our immunity to cancer and viral infection. He is also working with partners at the Royal United Hospital Bath through which he hopes to enlist a number of new volunteers to help with his work – including patients with colon and breast cancer.

  • Prize Fellow Dr Silvia Munoz-Descalzo, from the Department of Biology & Biochemistry, presented her work on how cells make decisions when forming different cell types in the body. Drawing on a multi-disciplinary approach, which combines cell biology with theoretical mathematical modelling, Silvia has been collaborating with Dr Tim Rogers, Prize Fellow from the Department of Mathematics to explore the reduction of heterogeneity in stem cells, with implications for regenerative medicine.

  • Dr Weijia Yuan joined Bath in 2011 and holds a research fellowship from the Royal Academy of Engineering. Weijia’s talk focused on his research into novel superconducting hybrid energy storage for power grids. With the UK committed to generate 20-40 per cent of its electricity from renewables by 2020, superconductor energy storage will be a key innovation that could address two of the biggest challenges faced by the renewables sectors —intermittency and instability.

Chairing the event in the Vice-Chancellor’s absence on the day, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research Professor Jane Millar reflected: “The Vice-Chancellor’s Research Day is always one of my favourites in the University calendar and once again this year it was a special opportunity to hear from colleagues across a range of disciplines.

“I was impressed by the clarity of their presentation and ideas, the fact that their work is addressing fundamental questions with real impact and, overall, by their passion and ambition.”

The Vice-Chancellor and Deputy-Vice-Chancellor have since met with the presenters for a reduced version of the event.

View full list of the research showcased.