Electric vehicle salary sacrifice scheme
Discover the benefits of using an electric vehicle (EV) and how this new salary sacrifice scheme can save you money and support our net zero targets.
Opportunities, activities, support, and services.
Discover the benefits of using an electric vehicle (EV) and how this new salary sacrifice scheme can save you money and support our net zero targets.
We run visit days for our undergraduate degree offer holders between March and May. Find out why you should attend one.
Sharing three films from the the AHRC-GCRF funded project, shaping environmental awareness through participatory filmmaking with young people in Cambodia.
You can employ our BSc Architecture and MArch Architecture students (RIBA part 1 and part 2) to work at your company for a three-six months placements.
As a member of University staff, you could benefit from a variety of shopping discounts both at the University and with local, national and online retailers.
This event brings together researchers and practitioners to discuss how end of life care is managed in care homes
How Bath research is helping to power a cleaner, greener planet.
Benefits of co-producing work with public groups as an engagement method, with case studies from researchers who've used it.
Benefits of the knowledge exchange engagement method, with case studies from researchers who've used it to engage public groups.
Benefits of the practice-based engagement method, with case studies from researchers who've used it to engage public groups.