Established in 2013 and run by the Public Engagement Unit, the Vice-Chancellor’s Engage Awards aims to reward and celebrate the work of colleagues from across the University of Bath who are engaging non-academic audiences.
There are five award categories that make up the Vice-Chancellor’s Engage Awards:
Informing - for projects that have successfully shared research with public groups from outside of academia.
Listening - for projects which listen and respond to the needs, knowledge and experience of public groups.
Working Together - for projects that have involved working with public groups from outside of academia.
Leadership - for an individual who has made an exceptional contribution to the culture of public engagement across their research centre/institute/department/broader research community.
Local and Civic Engagement - for projects, teams and individuals that have made outstanding civic contributions on behalf of the University through engaging with local civil society organisations, community groups, residents and charities.
The Vice-Chancellor’s Engage Awards are run biennially, and the next Awards will be hosted in 2025. Nominations for the Vice-Chancellor’s Engage Awards 2025 is scheduled to open in spring 2025.
The Vice-Chancellor's Engage Awards, previously the Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Public Engagement with Research, have been running since 2013. Find out more about previous award winners.