Know how much money you have to spend
As a student, you might get income from several sources including:
Before you decide how to spend your money, you will need to understand how much money in total you will have to live off.
It's important to work out a budget so you know exactly how much you will need to cover your costs. Find out more about managing your money.
Blackbullion is an easy-to-use online financial capability toolkit to help you take control of your finances and make better financial decisions.
As a first-year student it’s likely that you will live in University accommodation, either on campus or in the city. You can also find your own accommodation if you prefer.
Prices vary, depending on which accommodation block you apply for, so you can choose an option that suits your budget. We'll do our best to place you in your preferred room type, but we cannot guarantee this.
Find out more about our accommodation.
You will need to consider the cost of transport when you first arrive.
If you live away from campus during term time, consider the cost of getting to and from the University for study days. Find out more about travelling to campus.
Day-to-day items
If this is your first time away from home, make sure you’re aware of the day-to-day things you’ll need to buy.
It’s always cheaper to buy food from a supermarket and cook it yourself than to rely on takeaways or eating out.
You can also find useful advice online about how to save money on food, for example, from:
You should also consider the cost of phones, laundry, leisure, and any health costs if applicable.
As a student at Bath, you get free access to facilities at our Sports Training Village and can also get the Sports Pass as well as preferential costs for a gym membership. You might also have to pay to get involved in some Students’ Union clubs and activities.
Other things you might have to pay for include your own sports kit and equipment if you join one of the University sports teams.
You'll need a laptop or another computer to get full access to the software and systems for your studies. You can use our IT Purchasing Team for this.
If you are living in University accommodation, you will have free access to WiFi. Otherwise, you should budget for an appropriate broadband package.
There are also free-to-use computers in our Library, in the Virgil building, and elsewhere on campus.
You can read thousands of magazines and newspapers for free through the PressReader App.
If you need to watch broadcast media you can log into the free Learning on Screen service, using your University of Bath account, for on-demand TV and radio for education.