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Help us research experiences of betrayal amongst people with Mental Contamination OCD

Take part in our research study into the thoughts and feelings of people with Mental Contamination OCD in situations of perceived betrayal or disappointment.

About this study

Our research hopes to explore perceptions of betrayal (such as being let down or disappointed) amongst people with Contamination OCD.

Mental Contamination OCD is a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder. It results in people experiencing strong emotions or feelings of being unclean, which are often followed by urges to wash, as a response to thoughts, feelings or reminders of people or places, rather than just physical contaminants (such as bacteria).

Through researching the condition, we hope to develop a deeper understanding of difficult experiences like betrayal, which will help clinicians offer more effective interventions and treatments for people with Mental Contamination OCD.

Take part in this research study

We are recruiting participants for this study until 31 May 2024.


To take part in this research study, you must be:

  • 18 years old or over
  • able to speak English at a conversational level
  • identify with experiencing OCD (specifically difficulties which may be understood as mental contamination and an experience of betrayal)

What you’ll do

This study has three phases.

  1. You’ll complete a brief 10-minute eligibility call with a member of the research team. This will take place online using Microsoft Teams.
  2. If you are accepted for the study after this call, you’ll receive an invitation to complete four online questionnaires. This will take around 20 minutes in total.
  3. The study will finish with a 60-minute interview with a researcher (this is dependent on your responses to the questionnaires and your suitability for the interview). During this, you’ll talk about your experiences of OCD and experiences of betrayal. This will take place online using Microsoft Teams.

What you’ll get

Upon completion of the eligibility call, questionnaires and interview, you will receive £30.

If you are invited to take part in the questionnaires (and complete them), but not the interview, you will receive £10.

Ethics approval

This project has been given a favourable opinion by the University of Bath, Psychology Research Ethics Committee (PREC) [reference: 23-011].

Your data

Your personal information and the audio recording of the interview will be stored securely within an encrypted and password-protected folder that can be accessed only by the research team. The storage of data will be done in accordance with current UK data protection laws.

The audio recording will be deleted after the interview has been transcribed. At this point, any potentially identifying details, including your name, will be removed.

After completing this study, the information you provided during the interview will be kept safely and anonymously by the University of Bath.

Join this research study

If you are interested in taking part in this research study, or have any questions, please contact us.