How we work with Schools and Colleges to support under-represented students
Information on our approach to working with schools and colleges to support under-represented students to successfully apply to university.
A targeted approach
We identify schools, colleges and multi-academy trusts using a number of methods. We want to engage with the highest number of students possible that are under-represented in higher education and particularly at Bath. Using existing networks and national datasets we are able to identify schools, colleges and multi-academy that have a high proportion of these students.
Although our targeted approach allows us to reach some schools, we are aware that this is not everyone that needs support. We, therefore, have a programme of activity that is open to all schools, colleges and multi-academy trusts with activities, events and programmes available for individual students or school groups that are interested in a university like Bath.
Building Relationships
We have a dedicated team of people who are continually building relationships with schools, colleges and multi academy trusts, it is important that we can work together to best support students. For identified schools, colleges and multi academy trusts our programme of activity is heavily focused on developing students' skills in preparation for study at university. Schools know their students best, so where we can we offer a bespoke programme of activity and have a dedicated contact at the University that can support. We want students to recognise Bath as a place they would like to be so we try our best to attend as many HE Fairs, parents evenings, assemblies and other events as possible so they have the chance to talk to us and some of our students.
Other relationships
Alongside our relationships with individual schools, colleges and multi academy trusts we also work with several third sector charities and organisations. by working together with so many other groups it allows us to support as many students as possible to achieve their goal of going to higher education.
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