You can find groups about cultural values, the arts, ethical and political issues, and a huge range of activities.
Among the many options, you could:
- play your favourite sports, including football, hockey, and rugby
- meet people over a shared love of tea, salsa, skateboarding, or tabletop gaming
- find your community and celebrate African and Caribbean, Malaysian, Indian, Latin American, or Italian culture (among others)
- try your hand at karting, gliding, table tennis, Jiu Jitsu, cheerleading, or archery
- express yourself through Indian dance, debating, fine art, TV and radio production, or musical theatre
- get involved in Amnesty, action for refugees, the Model UN or TEDx
- go to pub quizzes, jam sessions, book clubs, concerts, and exhibitions
- develop transferable skills through volunteering, part-time work, or organisational roles within The SU itself
There is also a range of diversity and support groups you can join.
Getting involved in student groups can also be a way to learn and develop skills that you might need for your career. As part of a group, you can practise marketing, organise events and trips, or apply for a position on a committee. You could also start your own society or apply to help run The SU itself.
If you're a postgraduate taught or doctoral student, there are groups, volunteering opportunities, and events for our Postgraduate community.
The SU also has a strong international community where you can meet other international students and get involved in cultural events and campaigns.