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Make the most of your University experience

Explore your interests and make friends at Bath. Join societies and sports clubs, take an art class, or become a volunteer or student representative.

Join student groups

The Students' Union (The SU) has over 180 groups you can choose to join. This is a great way to make friends, develop new skills, and do something you love.

You can find groups about cultural values, the arts, ethical and political issues, and a huge range of activities.

Among the many options, you could:

  • play your favourite sports, including football, hockey, and rugby
  • meet people over a shared love of tea, salsa, skateboarding, or tabletop gaming
  • find your community and celebrate African and Caribbean, Malaysian, Indian, Latin American, or Italian culture (among others)
  • try your hand at karting, gliding, table tennis, Jiu Jitsu, cheerleading, or archery
  • express yourself through Indian dance, debating, fine art, TV and radio production, or musical theatre
  • get involved in Amnesty, action for refugees, the Model UN or TEDx
  • go to pub quizzes, jam sessions, book clubs, concerts, and exhibitions
  • develop transferable skills through volunteering, part-time work, or organisational roles within The SU itself

There is also a range of diversity and support groups you can join.

Getting involved in student groups can also be a way to learn and develop skills that you might need for your career. As part of a group, you can practise marketing, organise events and trips, or apply for a position on a committee. You could also start your own society or apply to help run The SU itself.

If you're a postgraduate taught or doctoral student, there are groups, volunteering opportunities, and events for our Postgraduate community.

The SU also has a strong international community where you can meet other international students and get involved in cultural events and campaigns.

Enjoy the Team Bath facilities and services

Take part in a wide range of sports and make use of our state-of-the-art facilities, whatever your level or ability.

Join a club

The SU has more than 50 sports clubs and you can join whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just want to try something new.

Each club has regular training sessions for both performance and recreational sports. They also have social events to help you get to know your teammates.

Find out more about SU Sport.

Use the sports facilities on campus

When you start at Bath, your library card comes with a Student Sports Pass. This gives you free access to sports facilities like the:

  • Olympic-sized swimming pool
  • tennis, squash, and badminton courts
  • athletics track
  • astroturf pitches
  • indoor sports hall

You can also enjoy a discount on gym membership, go to fitness classes, and get coaching or guidance from sports coaches on campus.

In addition, The SU runs Bath Active, a free social sports programme with regular fitness sessions.

Compete against other universities

Many of our sports clubs compete against other universities as part of British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS).

All BUCS matches are held on Wednesday afternoons (when there are no lectures) or weekends so you can fit competitive sports into your schedule.

Explore the arts

If you’re interested in art, dance, music, or theatre, or how the arts can support your wellbeing, we’ve got the facilities and passionate student leaders to support you and help you get involved.

You can join arts societies through The SU, including:

Read more about the arts at Bath
A student playing a guitar on stage.

Make your voice heard

There are many ways you can share your views with your community and campaign alongside other students.

Get involved in politics

Join political societies to get involved in local and national politics and create change for a cause you believe in.

Change things for the better

Run a campaign to help improve the student experience at Bath. The SU can help you every step of the way.

Join the media group

If you're interested in working in radio, film or news, the SU Media Group is always ready to welcome and train new members. Develop journalism skills and help share the news from around the University.

Find out how you can make make a change at Bath
Two students talking on campus

Get involved in fundraising and volunteering

You can support local and global issues by taking part in fundraising and volunteering activities by:

You can also receive awards and recognition for your fundraising and volunteering to support your CV and career prospects.

Find out more about volunteering
A group of students walking a therapy dog beside the lake.

Become a student representative

Stand for election as a student representative to support other students and improve the University.

You can represent students from your course, faculty or accommodation, or represent the University's students at a national level. You can also develop valuable skills and get experience working with your peers and senior University staff.

Posts you can run for include:

  • SU Officer
  • NUS Conference Delegate
  • Academic Representative
  • Faculty Representative
  • Senate Representative
  • Hall Rep
  • student group committee member

You can become a student representative during any year of your course.

Students campaigning for the SU election.

Make the most of your SU membership

The SU helps you get the most from your experience at Bath. As a student-led organisation, it provides a welcoming community, social activities, support, and opportunities for representation.

When you register with the University, you automatically become a member of The SU.

Opting out of membership

You have the right not to be a member of The SU. See the Code of Practice for The SU for information on opting out.

Sophie Mason
‘Salsa has been incredible for my mental and social wellbeing and has given me the positive mindset I needed to stay productive in my studies.’
Sophie Mason Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering