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Mathematics outreach activities

We offer a range of activities to local schools, colleges and communities.

Explore maths on campus

We're happy to talk to you about arranging for your school or college to come up to campus.

Mathematics tasters

The University runs Higher Education taster days, to give an insight into what life could be like at university and support students in current curriculum activities. These can include talks or workshops in mathematics if requested.

Email or visit for more information or to discuss the opportunities available.

School visits

We can talk to your pupils about:

  • the joys of doing some maths for fun
  • using and developing maths to support your studies
  • what it's like to study mathematics at university and discuss potential career opportunities

Maths Circles

Maths Circles are weekly training sessions for maths-loving pupils in years 7-11 that promote the art of problem-solving and structured thinking. Maths Circles teach critical thinking and problem solving, rather than application of memorised formulas. In addition, Maths Battles: mathematical debating competitions between opposing teams with the emphasis on collaborative working, take place twice a semester. More information and registration details can be found here.

Problem Solving Matters

This course is for year-12 pupils who are interested in studying mathematics or a related subject at university. The course helps students develop their mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills to achieve success in the MAT, TMUA, and other mathematics examinations. It consists of three face-to-face study days. More information and registration details can be found here

The Bathematicians

A student outreach group who communicate maths to the public.

Students at the Bathematicians' launch event

The Bathematicians offer a variety of workshops delivered in schools or on campus showcasing a range of interesting but accessible mathematical ideas.

October Outreach

Each October we run a hands-on mathematical outreach project for the general public often in association with Think Maths.

Summer Schools

The university offers a series of summer schools. Maths has a strand in the Science summer school programme.

By attending a maths summer school and studying mathematical content in depth, you'll improve your chances of A Level success and fin out how the subject is taught at university. Working with university lecturer and current students, you would be exposed to what studying maths at university is really like.

Email for more information or to discuss the opportunities available.

Bath Taps into Science

People of all ages are invited to this annual award-winning festival to learn about research in science and engineering.

School pupils looking at a science stand

Bath Taps into Science is a week-long festival focused on inspiring and engaging children, families, and adults with science and engineering. The festival takes place during British Science Week in March and has won numerous awards.

In 2018, the Department of Mathematical Sciences contributed stands at the family and schools fairs and offered talks and lectures throughout the week.

Bath Taps will be relaunching post-pandemic. Watch this space for an update soon!

Royal Institution Masterclasses

We host masterclasses throughout the year.

Royal Institution masterclasses are hands-on and interactive extracurricular sessions that are led by experts from both academia and industry and are aimed at young people from all over the UK.