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Resources for supporting staff wellbeing

Access the range of resources which can help you look after your own and other people's wellbeing.

At the University, we offer a range of training and resources to help improve your mental and physical wellbeing at work and beyond.

Workplace Wellbeing Wheel

Use the Workplace Wellbeing Wheel and related guidance to support your own wellbeing and the wellbeing of colleagues.

Wooden spheres balancing on seesaw. Concept of harmony and balance in life and work

The Workplace Wellbeing Wheel is based on the Health and Safety Executives’ (HSE) Management Standards for managing wellbeing and is a valuable tool for individuals, managers or anyone else involved in supporting others.

There are seven areas outlined that are associated with and recognised to impact on our health and wellbeing. Taking the time to evaluate how satisfied and content you are in these domains can help you chunk down and identify what is working well and not so well. This then offers the opportunity to consider what can be done to make a difference.

The purpose of examining the areas in this tool is to:

  • recognise what areas are effective and working well

  • identify causes of concern

  • consider and agree reasonable and practical actions that can be taken to manage any sources of concern

The questions associated with each area can be used to develop an action plan.

Wellbeing Action Plans

Develop a Wellbeing Action Plan for yourself or your faculty/department to agree a set of reasonable and practical actions to take to support wellbeing.

people meeting and studying. photo credit: Sarah Pflug for Burst


Completing an individual Wellbeing Action Plan can remind us of what we need to do to stay well at work and identify what additional support is available. It also helps us develop an awareness of our working style, stress triggers and responses, and enables us to communicate these.

Wellbeing action plans are for everyone. For example, you could be:

  • experiencing poor mental health and want to find out how a WAP can support you

  • currently well and interested in using the WAP as a proactive tool to map out what needs to be in place for you to be mentally well at work


Developing a faculty or departmental Wellbeing Action Plan enables everyone to work together to identify what is working well and what would be valuable to change.

By carrying out surveys and collecting and analysing data, a gap analysis can be developed to enable a plan to be developed and interventions organised. The plan can then be monitored and evaluated to check progress is being made and celebrate successes.