Laboratory visit 1 (around 1 hour):
Body measurements, a scan to measure body composition, and a 15-minute treadmill walk while measuring your heart rate and breathing.
Monitoring phase (2 weeks):
Monitoring of your current lifestyle through wearable devices (such as a smartwatch, activity monitor and a continuous glucose monitor), food diaries and mobile applications.
Laboratory visit 2 (around 7.5 hours):
Body measurements, collection of breath samples and a measure of blood pressure. A fat and optional muscle sample will then be collected. You will then be asked to drink a glucose (sugar) drink, after which we will regularly collect blood and breath samples for 3 hours. We will then provide you with a meal for lunch, after which we will carry out the same measurements for 2 hours.
Dietary phase (4 weeks):
We will ask you to follow one of the following diets for 4 weeks:
1) Restriction of carbohydrates on two days in a row each week
2) Restriction of carbohydrates after 4pm each day
3) No changes to your current diet
You will also be asked to continue monitoring your lifestyle throughout.
Laboratory visit 3 (around 8 hours):
Identical as visit 2 except a body composition scan will be included.
Digital phase (4 weeks):
We will ask you to test out a mobile health-tracking application (‘Metabolism’) that provides education and recommendations tailored specifically to you, while continuing to monitor your lifestyle.
Laboratory visit 4 (around 6 hours):
Body measurements, a body composition scan, collection of breath samples and a measure of blood pressure. You will then be asked to consume a drink of glucose, after which blood will be sampled for 3 hours. Afterwards, we will carry out a 30-minute interview about your experience using the mobile health application.