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The CBOS thinklist

The thinklist is a social media list of the most influential and interesting responsible business scholars.

Event series: Future of Thinklist

In the wake of X's demise, how can we foster a social media community on the topic of business and society?

We invite you to join the debate in our Future of Thinklist webinar series, each focusing on different platforms:

  • Thinklist Linkers (LinkedIn): Thurs 30 January 2025, 2pm – register now
  • Thinklist Reelers (YouTube, Instagram and TikTok): Fri 28 February 2025, 2pm – register now
  • Thinklist Legacy (TV and news media): March 2025 (date TBC)

We hope you can join us and our guest speakers as we revitalise the Thinklist and look to the future of our community.

A group of two young women and a young man sat outside on some steps around a laptop

The #thinklist is an ongoing project by Bath's Centre for Business, Organisations and Society, dedicated to highlighting the most influential and interesting responsible business scholars on social media.

Our goal is to rethink the role and responsibilities of business in creating a sustainable society. As part of this mission, we publish the #thinklist - a list of influential faculty thinkers on social media who focus on issues of responsible business. It was created in recognition of the value of discussions we have online, and in the hope of sharing insights with a wider community.

The #thinklist was initially compiled using an online platform that tracks an individual’s social media use to calculate a score corresponding to their online ‘power’. This data-based approach used a person’s follower count, retweets, replies and mentions to gauge their influence online. However, in 2020 we adopted a different approach that seeks to be less data-driven and more inclusive.

Our thinklists

The #thinklist is a living thing - it develops and changes over time. Each list is just a snapshot of the curators’ views at that point in the year. Recent lists include:

  • The #ThinklistImpact, which highlights academics who influence practice.
  • The #ThinklistNext21, the 2021 edition of the doctoral list, the next generation of responsible business thinkers on social media.
  • The #ThinklistAmplify, which amplifies the voices of racialised scholars.
  • The #Thinklist30, which draws attention to influential female scholars on social media.
The twitter bird icon


  • The Thinklist Impact was curated by Garima Sharma, Nicholas Poggioli, Zahira Jaser and Mette Morsing.
  • The Thinklist Next21 was curated by Verena Girschik, Kam Phung, Michael Rogerson and Tanusree Jain.
  • The Thinklist Amplify was curated by Deborah Brewis, Nolywé Delannon and Vivek Soundararajan.
  • The Thinklist 30 was curated by Andrew Crane, Sarah Glozer and Johanne Grosvold.
A statue of a hashtag inside a shipping container

#Thinklist blog posts

Read more about the thinking and processes behind different lists