You can contact us directly using the email addresses listed above. Students are often directed to our service through student support, wellbeing or by directors of studies.
You will be allocated to a member of the team that is not in your department. At a convenient time to both, you will meet where you can explain what has happened and how you would like help in moving forward with your studies. We may take notes of our meeting and if we do, we will send you a copy of what we have discussed.
Depending on the challenges you are facing, one meeting may be sufficient to help with resolution, but we can also support students over many weeks or months. Many issues are relatively straightforward to solve, but that does not mean the impact on you isn’t considerable.
We will help signpost you to the relevant people around the university and we often help in putting you in contact with other people that can also help.
We can support you in meetings with supervisors, director of studies, heads of department, the doctoral college and student services. With your permission, we can speak on your behalf. If you find yourself in a position where the issues have potentially involved a breach of university policy or process, we can help support you through the informal or a formal complaints process, or the appeals process. During this process we can help write your complaint, attend investigatory meetings and help clarify the university’s communications with you.