Completing the wheel gives you the opportunity to reflect on various aspects of work and evaluate what is working well or maybe not so well. You then have the opportunity to consider what can be done to make a difference.
The Wellbeing Wheel is based on an evidence-based set of management standards that were developed through academic research commissioned by the Health and Safety Executive.
The standards are six domains that have been found to impact on wellbeing at work. These are:
This is about understanding your role and responsibilities, being clear about what is expected and knowing the systems, processes and people who can respond to any individual concerns.
Learn more about understanding your role.
This includes issues like workload, work patterns and your work environment. It might also include remote working, working from home or flexible working. Here you consider whether the demands of the job are balanced by adequate personal and system resources.
Learn more about managing workplace demands.
This area measures how much say you have in the way you do your work. For example, can you make decisions about when and how you do jobs within the scope of getting the job done efficiently?
Learn more about controlling your workload.
This area recognises that strong positive colleague and manager relationships help staff to withstand pressure and ensure unacceptable behaviours are managed effectively.
Learn more about building and improving your relationships.
Whilst nothing today is cast in stone and change is inevitable, this area considers whether the organisation engages with staff effectively when experiencing change and that systems are in place to respond to concerns.
Learn more about understanding and managing change.
This includes the encouragement, sponsorship and resources provided by the organisation, line management and colleagues. It considers whether adequate information and support is available from your colleagues and managers.
Learn more about accessing support.
Often personal life and work life overlap and influence one another. So we have added another category that you might want to consider:
Personal factors
Are there any other issues, concerns or stressors outside of work that it would be valuable to take account of? This could include unexpected life changes, health issues, caring responsibilities, difficulties at home or home working.
Learn more about managing personal issues.
Please follow the links for each category to read more about all of the factors that make up the Wellbeing Wheel. Once you have done so, you can download the Workplace Wellbeing Wheel to make a start.
We have a variety of resources available for staff to help you develop your knowledge, skills and behaviours to manage your own wellbeing. This is a developing area and our resources will grow in time. If you have any questions or comments, please contact